chapter fifteen

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It had been exactly one year, two weeks and three days since your brother Corbyn proposed to his long-time girlfriend, now fiancée, Christina. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner and the wedding was coming up soon. You were in the wedding as one of Christina's bridesmaids and Daniel was a groomsman. Corbyn picked your brother Jordan to be his best man since he couldn't decide between his four other bandmates who he considered brothers. For the rehearsal dinner, you wore a light pink dress and the same heels you'd be wearing in the wedding to practice walking on them. As you walked down the hallway of your apartment, you stumbled a bit and leaned on the wall for support. Daniel was watching from the doorway of your bedroom trying to contain his laughter. "I hope you don't trip like that down the actual aisle, babe." he chuckled and you rolled your eyes at him. "Well we're walking down together so I'll just hold onto your arm so you can catch me if I fall." you retorted, sticking your tongue out at him. He smiled, looking you up and down to take in your appearance. "You do look beautiful though, Y/N." You blushed and walked towards him, pulling him closer by the collar of his dress shirt. "You look pretty damn good yourself, Seavey." you said sweetly and planted a kiss on his lips. The kiss quickly turned more heated and Daniel guided you both back into your bedroom, letting his hands grip your waist. You slid your arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. You reluctantly pulled away and he pouted at you. "Hey," he whined, "I was enjoying myself." You giggled at his pouty lips and mirrored his reaction. "I was to but it's my brother's wedding rehearsal and if we keep this up, we'll definitely be late." Daniel sighed and kissed your cheek, silently letting you know that you were right. Once you were both ready to go, you got in the car and drove over to the venue to meet everyone there.

Corbyn and Christina picked a beautiful place to get married. It was going to be in a park that was littered with daisies and one big open space where the ceremony itself would take place. You and Daniel got out of the car and walked over to join everyone. The boys, their dates, your family, and Christina's family were all there. You walked over to your parents, hugging them and you dragged Daniel along with you. Your parents have always loved Daniel and they were delighted when you two finally got together. Of course, neither of you nor Corbyn decided to mention all of the drama that came along with it for everyone's sake. "Alright everyone! We're gonna get started so if you could all take your places and we'll get this show on the road!" Christina said at the front of the altar. She sighed deeply and you shot her a 'breathe, it's gonna be okay' smile and she blew you a kiss. The ceremony practice went smoothly, despite Zach walking down the aisle too early as to be expected. Once the practice was over you had a bit of time left before you needed to be at the reception venue for dinner. You walked over to Christina who was talking to another one of her bridesmaids and placed a hand on her arm. "How are you feeling, bride-to-be?" you said with a smile and she squealed with excitement. "I'm so excited. Wedding planning is exhausting and Corbyn is being so annoying about not being able to see each other the night before but it will all be worth it. I can't believe I'm getting married!" she said happily and you both giggled like little girls. "I'm so happy for you, it's going to be so beautiful. I hope I get to have a wedding like this someday. I want this for myself, what you and Corb have." you said. Christina made eyes towards Daniel, who was over talking with the boys. "I'm sure you will. Daniel's a keeper." she said with a wink and you shoved her shoulder with a laugh.

While you were having your conversation with Christina, Daniel was consulting the boys on a very important subject. "Have you asked her dad yet?" Jonah asked. "Holy shit dude! How long have you been planning this?" Zach exclaimed and the guys shushed him. "I've been planning it for a while now. I know it seems really soon but we were best friends for so long before we started dating, it feels like we've been together for way longer than we have." Daniel sighed and Corbyn patted his back. "It's gonna be great, bro. And yes, Jonah, he did. I swear he was happier about it than he was when I told him I was getting married." he chuckled and they all laughed along with him. Daniel was keeping a secret from you; technically everyone was. Your brother's wedding wasn't going to be exactly how you expected it to be and you had no idea. The time came for dinner and everyone piled back into their cars to drive over. Daniel opened your door and gestured for you to get in, making you blush. "You're being really sweet today, Dani." you pointed out. He placed his hand on your thigh and rubbed his thumb on your exposed skin. "I'm always sweet." he stated and you jokingly rolled your eyes. "I mean, extra sweet. What's up with you?" you asked and he kept his eyes on the road, gently squeezing your thigh with a soft smile playing on his lips. "Nothing, sweetheart. I just love you." he said. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you leaned over to kiss his cheek. "I love you too, D."

Your table for the reception was with the boys and their dates, minus Corbyn and Christina. The dinner was much more fun than the ceremony practice, you all cracked jokes and told old stories about the early band days to entertain yourselves. The maid of honor and best man both practiced their speeches in another room so they'd be fresh for the actual day, and you started to wear out. You yawned quietly into your hand and rested your chin in your palm on the table. Daniel rubbed your back and kissed your temple, "Getting tired, baby?" he asked. "Mhm, it's been a long day." you said and he nodded. "We're pretty much finished anyways. Go ahead and say your goodbyes to your parents and stuff, I'll catch up to you." Daniel said and he hurried off to the back room with your brother. You didn't think anything of his rushed behavior and got up to go talk to your family. In the back room, Corbyn followed Daniel closely and they locked the door behind them. "Show me, show me!" Corbyn said in a hushed tone. Daniel put a hand up to tell him to chill out and pulled the little velvet box out of his pocket, opening it so Corbyn could see. Corbyn's eyes widened and he took the box, inspecting the contents of it like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Wow, Seavey. You outdid yourself." he breathed and Daniel smiled proudly. "Only the best for my girl." he said and Corbyn gave him a hug, "Welcome to the family, brother."

Before you knew it, Christina was going to be a Besson and you were going to be asked to be a Seavey.

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