chapter seven

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It was Sunday, the day before you moved into your new apartment. You were in Corbyn's room, packing up a few extra boxes while you were home alone. The boys had an interview with another radio station, more preparation for the release of Trust Fund Baby. You taped up the last box and brought it downstairs with the rest of them. Tomorrow the boys were going to help you move in, your things being spread out between a storage space, your car and the WDW house. You went over to the kitchen to make some tea. As you let the tea bag steep in your cup, you got a text.

dani: how's it going over there?

You couldn't help but smile at the sight of his name on your phone.

you: good, i just finished up packing the last of my stuff. move in day tomorrow!!

dani: i know, i'm excited for ya :)

you: awww, thank you

you: daniel

dani: yes?

you: can i sleep in your room tonight?

dani: i'd love that, but how are we gonna swing that with Corbyn around?

You pouted and huffed to yourself, disappointed that you couldn't cuddle with your boyfriend because your relationship was a secret. Wait, you thought, was he your boyfriend?

you: we're gonna have to tell him eventually.

dani: i know i know, but how do we do it? just say "hey Corbyn, your sister is my girlfriend, i'm sorry to hide it from you?"

Your thumbs froze and you sipped your tea. His girlfriend, huh? So he really was your boyfriend.

you: i'm your girlfriend?

dani: yeah, i thought that was a given lol

you: oh lol i wasn't like, sure if we were now a couple or not

dani: well we are :) sorry y/n/n you're stuck with me now

you: sounds good to me, seavey :)

dani: we're on our way back to the house now, i'll see you at home

You put your phone in your pocket and went upstairs to shower. When you came out, Daniel was sitting on Corbyn's bed like he was waiting for you. "Oh!" you gasped and clutched onto your robe, "Daniel you scared the shit out of me." you said and he chuckled. "Sorry, babe." he said and stood up to press a quick peck to your lips. You blushed and pulled some clothes out of the closet. "So I talked to Corbyn," he started and you whipped around to face him with your hand covering your mouth. "Relax, relax! I talked to Corbyn and asked if he minded if you stayed in my room tonight. He said it was totally okay." You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, "Just like that? You didn't give him a reason?" "Well, I may or may not have told him that you were bothered by his snoring but didn't want to tell him yourself 'cause you felt bad." You glared at Daniel and he gave you that "oops!" smile before walking over to you. "Hey, at least he fell for it." he said you nodded, "True." "Daniel?" you said when he placed his hands on your waist. "Yes?" "I need to change." "I can't stay for that?" he joked and you shoved his shoulder, the two of you laughing as he walked out of the room and you locked the door.

The day dragged on, mainly because you were anticipating having some alone time with Daniel. Once you and the boys cleaned up diner, you all said your goodnight's to each other and went your separate ways. You headed upstairs but before going to Daniel's room, you stopped by Corbyn's. You knocked lightly on the door and peeked your head in, he was laying sprawled out on his bed with his phone in his hand. "Hey," you said softly, stepping into the room, "are you mad at me?" He shot you a confused look and shook his head, "Why would I be mad at you?" You sat down on the edge of his bed. "Because of what Daniel told you, ya know, the snoring thing." you said. Corbyn chuckled and sat up, leaning in to kiss your forehead. "No, you weirdo, I'm not mad at you. I promise. Are you ready for your new apartment?" he asked. "I'm ready for at least one of you to break something while you help me move in." you said and you both shared a laugh. Corbyn grabbed your hand and pulled you in for a hug, "Get some sleep, kid. We have a big day tomorrow. I love you." You got up and shut his light off on your way out, "I love you too, Corb."

You walked into Daniel's room to see his bed already made up for you to sleep in. His usually mountain of pillows was now separated in half and he set out an extra blanket because he knew you like to sleep bundled up in a cold room. "Going from best friends to a couple definitely has its pro's," you said, "you already know all of my habits." You plopped down on the bed and Daniel stood in front of you, between your knees. He grabbed both your hands and played with your fingers absentmindedly. "You okay?" He smiled and looked at you, "Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking." "About what?" you asked and he dropped your hands. "Don't worry about it, babe. Let's just go to bed, yeah?" You nodded and decided to let it go, not wanting to push him anymore. You moved over to your side of the bed and Daniel got in behind you after shutting the lights off, pulling you into his chest. He kissed your temple and buried his face in your hair, holding you close to him and tangling your legs in with his. "Wait, what if someone comes in?" you whispered. "I locked the door, we're good." Daniel mumbled with his eyes still closed. You relaxed into his arms and let yourself drift off to sleep.

What was Daniel thinking about? Why didn't he want to tell you?

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