chapter one

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Sun shone through the curtains of your hotel room. You rolled over to see the bedside clock read 9:30AM, just in time for the end of the continental breakfast. Fuck, you thought to yourself. You were starving and now you had to get yourself ready to be seen in public to get breakfast. You threw on comfortable clothes: joggers, a big t-shirt and some slides. You combed through your hair with your fingers, pulling the top half up to make an attempt at a half up half down hairstyle. Grabbing your keys and the hotel key card, you headed out into the streets of Los Angeles to find yourself a Starbucks. You walked in, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the cheap cologne of the man walking in front of you filling your senses. You placed your order and stood off to the side to wait when your phone rang, "Hello?" "Good morning to you too, Y/N/N. You coming by the studio today?" You rolled your eyes and sighed, "Yeah, let me get this coffee in my system first then I'll by on my way," "Alright, see you soon!" "Bye Corbyn." you hung up and picked up your coffee before heading out and hailing a cab. Oh yeah, did I mention that you're Corbyn Besson's sister?

You placed your sunglasses on your head as you headed towards the lounge section of the studio. You were greeted by Jonah and Zach lazily strewn on the couches and the floor. "Slow day, huh?" you chuckled and got their attention. "Hey, Y/N!" Jonah said and jumped up to hug you. Zach hugged you second and you took a seat next to him on the couch. "Daniel, Corbyn and Jack are recording their vocals for Trust Fund Baby. We kept goofing off so they kicked us out after we finished ours." You laughed and shook your head, "Sounds about right, how's it going so far?" Zach forcefully sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Corbyn and Jack are doing fine, but Daniel's struggling. I think he's got a cold or something 'cause he's just not hitting the notes right." Zach lowered his voice as the other boys came out of the recording studio. Corbyn came up and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head. "How's my favorite sister this morning?" he said. You patted his arm and clicked your tongue, "I'm your only sister, you ass. But I'm full of espresso now so I'm good. How are you guys?" Corbyn stuck his tongue out at you and the boys laughed. "I'm ready to go home," Daniel said, pulling his beanie down over his eyes. Jonah stood up and put his hand on Daniel's shoulder, "Let's go home then, you coming Y/N?" You looked to Corbyn and he smiled like he used to when you were kids and he wanted you to do something for him. You nodded at Jonah and tagged along on the way back to the Why Don't We house.

You weren't living in L.A., as badly as Corbyn wanted you to. You were Corbyn's twin sister and he was older than you by 3 minutes, which he never let you forget. As often as he was a bossy older brother, he was very protective of you just as frequently. To Corbyn, when it comes to keeping you safe and happy three minutes might as well have been three years. You weren't identical twins. You had the same eyes but your hair was slightly different. You grew up happy at Corbyn's side and you've been his biggest fan since he started to pursue music. When Why Don't We started, you became best friends with the other boys. Jonah was the one you liked to chill out and get coffee with, Zach was the goofy one who helped you pull off pranks, Jack was the one who battled your sarcasm and picked on you, and then there was Daniel. You had always had a tiny crush on Daniel, but you never told Corbyn. You never knew how he'd react to it; if he'd be shocked, angry, make fun of you, or all of the above. Daniel was definitely the one you had gotten closest with over the years. He gave you his jackets when it was cold, he let you fall asleep on his shoulder on long rides during tour when you got to come along, he FaceTimed you almost as often as Corbyn while they were traveling. Corbyn loved that his sister got along so well with his best friends, he enjoyed sharing his world with you. He never questioned the closeness of you and Daniel. Other than Corbyn, Daniel was the only one of the guys who called you Y/N/N. It gave you butterflies hearing him say it but you buried the feelings to avoid getting your hopes up. He was your brother's best friend, and he probably didn't even feel the same.

When you arrived at the house, you plopped down onto the couch and shut your eyes, the caffeine finally wearing off and exhaustion taking over. Daniel sat next to you and you turned to rest your legs over his lap. He started tapping a rhythm on your shins and you opened one eye to glare at him. "What? You put your legs here, I was just entertaining myself," Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders. You chuckled lightly before yawning and snuggling more into the couch. "Hey," Daniel said softly, "I know Corbyn's room is a mess so if you wanna take a nap or something you can use my room. If you want," You nodded and smiled, eyes still closed. You swung your legs off Daniel's lap and headed up the stairs. You kicked off your shoes and made yourself comfortable under Daniel's comforter, taking in the faint scent of his shampoo on the pillows. You drifted off slowly in your brother's best friend's bed, secretly wishing he was laying next to you.

When you woke up, it was mid-afternoon and your eyes widened at the sight you saw. Daniel was walking out of his bathroom in only a towel, his blonde hair dripping water onto his shoulders. "Oh, shit sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," he said once he saw that you were awake. You blushed as you caught yourself staring at his bare torso and sat up to stretch, "Nah, you didn't. Thanks for letting me borrow your bed." He smiled at you and your heart jumped into your throat. "Anytime. Corbyn's room looks like it got hit by a tornado and I may be biased but my mattress is much more comfortable than his." You both laughed at your brother's expense before silence fell over the room. "Hey, Y/N?" he said. "Hmm?" "I gotta change," he said as he slowly opened the closet door. You mentally facepalmed and got out of bed. "Right, sorry," you laughed nervously, "I'm gonna go see if you guys have any food in this house." You jogged down the stairs and opened the fridge, scanning the shelves for food. "How was Daniel's bed?" you heard a voice say from behind you. You jumped and clutched your chest, Zach. "Jesus Zach you scared the—wait what?" He jumped up to sit on the edge of the kitchen island, "You napped in Daniel's room right? How was your nap?" he questioned, but his face said something different. "It was, uh, good. Where are the guys?" "Jonah and Jack went to Panera and Corbyn's at Christina's." You nodded silently and threw a bag of popcorn into the microwave. "I miss Christina, I haven't seen her in a while. Her and Corbyn are so cute it's sickening," you say and Zach laughs. "You want that though, don't you?" Zach asks. You shoot him a confused but nervous look, "Yeah, I guess but I don't see that happening anytime soon." "Daniel's a catch, Y/N. I approve," he said and you turn red. You smack his arm and shush him, "How do you know about that?" you whisper shout at him. "Oh come on! It's so obvious that you guys have a thing for each other, but don't worry I'll keep your secret." You cross your arms and look down at your feet, "Daniel doesn't see me that way but I appreciate the vote of confidence, Zach." He hops off the counter and grabs your shoulders, "That's a load of crap, Corbyn is probably the only thing in his way. Daniel will make his move soon enough, trust me." Just as Zach finished his sentence, our heads whip around to see Daniel standing at the end of the stairs. "Daniel will what?" he says.
Oh, shit.

surprise! hi hello, just to clarify for those of you who may be confused—this is set before the release of tfb BUT i looove blonde daniel so i wrote him in as a blonde :) i promise i didn't mix my timelines okay thank u carry on pls enjoy the story <3

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