chapter four

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You woke up to Corbyn's arm swinging over and smacking you in the forehead. You sat up and groaned, "God, really Corbyn?" You looked over to see that he was still fast asleep, so you picked up a pillow and hit him in the face. He sat up quickly and mumbled, "I'm up!" making you laugh. "Wha-what? What was that for?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "You just whacked me dead in the face with your bony forearm, dummy." He rolled his eyes at you and fell back onto his pillow, going back to sleep. You rolled out of bed and pulled on some socks to protect your feet from the cold wooden floors as you went down to the kitchen. You were greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. "Oh hey, morning Y/N." Jonah said when he saw you at the staircase. "Good morning, thank god someone in this house appreciates coffee." Jonah chuckled and poured some coffee into a mug for you. You added your usual cream and sugar before taking a seat on the couch, taking in the view of L.A. from the balcony windows. Shortly after you sat down, Jonah came and joined you. "Excited for today?" he asked and you grinned, "Yes, very. It's gonna be an awesome video for an awesome song." Jonah sipped his coffee before speaking again, "How are you feeling about Daniel?" You almost choked once he said that, and you knew he saw it. "Hmm, did I hit a nerve there?" Jonah said and nudged your side. You turned to face him on the couch and got serious, "Are you really asking? Because this has to stay between us, J. I'm serious." you said. He held up his pinky and you interlocked it with yours before explaining yourself. "I think I like, have a crush on Daniel? Have feelings for him? I don't know, but now I have to spend today and who knows how many days after playing along as his love interest in front of everyone, the cameras, and oh god—Corbyn. Jonah, what if he finds out?" Jonah set his mug down on the coffee table and put his hand on your knee. "Okay, Y/N take a breath. First of all, I kind of figured that you had a thing for Daniel. It seems like you guys have some energy going on between you, not gonna lie. I think he feels it too. And as for Corbyn, you guys practically flirt around him when you're here anyways. He's not gonna find out or see anything that would make him question it." You sighed and rested your hand on top of Jonah's. "Thank you, Jonah. I needed that." you smiled and he patted your leg reassuringly, "Anytime, Y/N. Your secret is safe with me. Now, drink your coffee, we have a long day ahead of us." You both chuckled and relaxed on the couch until it was time to get the day started.

The set for Trust Fund Baby was a highschool setting, and there was a crazy amount of people. You were getting ready to shoot the scene with Daniel and Jonah where you had to help them change a flat tire and you were standing behind the camera preparing yourself. Corbyn came up from behind you and put his hands on your shoulders, "There you are! You ready to do this thing?" he asked eagerly. You smiled and took a shaky breath, "Ready as I'll ever be. I hope I can make this realistic enough, I have no idea how to actually change a tire." Corbyn laughed and pushed you forward, "You're on!" You walked over to the car and bent down to fake change the tire and the director yelled "Action!" The track played and the boys lipsynced along, and you looked up at Daniel right on cue. If the shot was longer, you would've completely screwed it up because you and Daniel held eye contact for a lot longer than necessary. He winked at you and nudged Jonah like he was meant to, and you blushed involuntarily, giving him the sultry side-eye like the producers had told you to. The sound of "Cut! Great job guys, can we get Jack in here next?" tore you away and you stood up, brushing the gravelly dust off your jeans. Daniel met up with you behind the camera and handed you a cup, "It's tea, your favorite kind." You smiled a bit and thanked him, taking a sip. "You did pretty good considering you can't change a real tire," he said and you glared at him, "Corbyn told me, I had to say it." he joked and you bumped your elbow into his arm. "You weren't so bad yourself, Seavey." He looked down at his feet and his cheeks flushed when you called him that. Something about the way his name rolled off your tongue made him giddy. "Do you want to go out to eat tonight?" he asked and you didn't pick up on the hint at first. "Sure, how long did it take the guys to decide on a place this time?" you said and he fumbled a bit with the hem of his shirt. "I meant like uh, just us. If you wanted to go out to eat with me, later tonight." Your heart fluttered in your chest and you realized that he was asking you on a date, without asking you on a date. "Oh! That sounds great, I'd love to." you beamed and he bit his lip, "Cool, it's a date then." Your eyes widened but you decided to go along, not thinking about what could possibly go wrong. "Yeah, it's a date."

While you and Daniel were out, the boys were looking over the behind the scenes cuts from the first day of shooting. Most of them were funny shots of the boys being their usual goofy selves, but one shot caught Corbyn's attention. One of the crew caught your earlier interaction with Daniel asking you on the not-date-date, and it stirred something up in your brother. "Wait Jack, playback that last clip of Daniel and Y/N." he said. Jack rewound the clip and played it again. Your conversation couldn't be heard from where the cameraman was but it was obvious to everyone, as well as Corbyn, that something actually flirtatious was going on outside of the scripted flirting. "Dude, did Daniel take your sister out on a date tonight?" Jack asked and Corbyn's mind buzzed. "No, no way he did. They just went out for pizza. They've been best friends for years, I don't think it was like a date or anything like that." Corbyn looked up to see the boys looking cautiously at the screen and then back to him. Jonah scratched the back of his neck and looked to Zach, both of them knowing that you felt somethint for Daniel but couldn't be the ones to tell Corbyn. "I don't know, man. It seems like he's into her." Jack said and Corbyn shook his head in defense. "If Daniel was trying to go out with my sister, he would've said something to me. I'm sure it's nothing." The other boys decided to let Corbyn be, or in that case, be in denial, and reassured him it was nothing. They dropped the subject and continued watching funny clips of themselves for the behind the scenes video they'd post after the official video dropped.

Corbyn laid in bed that night, unable to sleep. Was one of his best friends really going for his sister without telling him? Was his sister really going for one of his best friends without telling him? Those questions and more flooded his brain while he lie awake waiting up for you to get home. It was nearing midnight and he was getting close to paranoid, full prepared to call and ask you where you were like your father used to do. Just as he reached over to grab his phone off his nightstand, he heard the front door open and the sound of you and Daniel's laughter. He jogged down the stairs and met you two at the door. "Someone was out a little late tonight," Corbyn said and crossed his arms. You put your bag down on the couch and playfully rolled your eyes at your brother's comment. "Relax, Dad. We went out for pizza and then went to the beach. We were having fun and lost track of time, since when does three minutes mean you get to give me a curfew?" you said. Corbyn decided that he didn't want to reveal that he suspected anything, so he did his best to play it off. "Oh shush I'm just messing with you kid. I just wanted to make sure you guys got in okay." You looked to Daniel and he had a confused expression on his face, but you couldn't question it in front of Corbyn. "Aw, you're sweet. C'mon Corb, I'm beat and I'm ready for bed." you said and ushered Corbyn back up to his room. You passed by Daniel and pinched his cheek sweetly, "Thanks for a good time, Seavey. Let's do it again sometime." Daniel swatted your hand away and blushed, "Definitely, night Y/N."

If only Corbyn knew what you and Daniel talked about at the beach. If only you and Daniel knew that Corbyn saw exactly what the cameras saw.

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