chapter twelve

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"If he tries to hit you again, don't be afraid to hit him back." you told Daniel as he walked around your bedroom getting ready. Daniel scoffed lightly, "He isn't gonna hit me again, Y/N. If he really wanted to cause a scene he would've done it in that coat closet at the release party." he said. You shrugged, "Good point. You leaving now?" you said from your spot on the bed. "Yes, I'm meeting him at that sandwich place a couple blocks over. I'll be home before you know it." he said and you smiled, puckering your lips like a little kid. "You're so annoying, yet so cute." he chuckled before planting a kiss on your lips. "Keep me updated!" you shouted before you heard the door close. You settled into bed, turning on some TV to distract you from thinking about what could be happening with Daniel and Corbyn.

Daniel pulled up to the sandwich shop and parked his car on the street. He took a deep breath as he got out of the car, spotting Corbyn sitting at a table. He shot him a soft smile, walking over to sit across from him. "Hey man, thanks for coming to talk to me." Corbyn said and Daniel shifted in his seat, "I'm just glad you picked this place. Can't really beat the shit out of me in the middle of a sandwich shop." he chuckled and Corbyn made an uncomfortable face. "I'm kidding, Besson. Too soon?" Daniel winced and Corbyn forced out a small laugh, "Nah, you're good." Daniel sat up straight and gestured to his friend, "You wanna go first or should I?" Corbyn cleared his throat. "Okay first of all, I'm really sorry about getting physical with you. It was unnecessary and out of line. I never would've done that to you, you're one of my best friends." he said and Daniel nodded for him to continue. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about everything. I know all I did was get angry, but I was hurt. Hurt that you lied to me and that you didn't think you could have a civil conversation with me about this. Despite all of that, I miss you, bro. I miss you being at the house and I miss my sister. Honestly, as long as you make each other happy, then it's good with me. I support you both and I want all of us to be happy." Corbyn finished and let out a deep breath. Daniel started shaking his leg, trying to process what had just happened before he spoke. "I'm sorry too, Corb. I didn't mean to go behind your back and hurt you, it wasn't intentional and it never would be. I wanted to talk to you about it beforehand but I just got caught up in the moment. From now on, we'll be 100% honest with each other, yeah?" Daniel said, extending his hand to Corbyn. "Of course." he responded, shaking up with him like they usually would.

As the lunch went on, the boys were slowly but surely getting back in the rhythm of things; the apologies smoothed over the feud and they felt like they were back to the best friends they were before, maybe even closer now. "So," Corbyn said with a mouth full of chips, "are you gonna come back and stay at the house?" Daniel sipped his drink and gave it some thought. "Probably. I'll probably talk to Y/N about it thought since I've basically been living there for the past three weeks." he chuckled, his cheeks turning red. Corbyn noticed his reaction and smirked as he took a bite of his sandwich. "You love her, don't you?" Corbyn said and Daniel's eyes shot up. "What?" "You love her. You're in love with my sister." Corbyn stated and Daniel scratched the back of his neck. "Caught me, huh?" he said and they laughed together. "Have you told her?" Corbyn asked and Daniel mumbled a 'nah'. "I'm scared she doesn't feel the same." Corbyn scoffed and crossed his arms, "Are you kidding me? She kicked me out of her apartment for you, Seavey. Just tell her. I'm sure she feels the same." Daniel rolled his eyes playfully, "Speaking of her, when are you gonna talk to her?" Corbyn forcefully blew air out and adjusted his hat, "I don't know. Probably some time this week if she'll let me." "She misses you too." Daniel said quietly and Corbyn gave him a small smile. "I gotta head over to Christina's but I'll see you soon, yeah?" Corbyn said as both the boys stood up to leave, "Yeah, I'll be over by the house tomorrow." They stood in silence for a moment before Corbyn pulled Daniel in for a hug, patting his back. "Take care of her, Seavey. If any guy is the right one for my baby sister, it's you." he said. "Thanks, man. I will." Daniel said. The boys split the bill and headed their separate ways, feeling much more relieved than they were at the beginning of lunch.

When Daniel got home from lunch, you were napping in bed with the TV show from earlier still playing another episode. Daniel quietly opened your bedroom door and smiled to himself when he saw you, snuggled up in bed in one of his sweatshirts. He moved onto the bed to lay next to you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the spot behind your ear. You hummed and turned in his arms, eyes fluttering open. "Hi there." he whispered and you put your hand on his cheek, "Hi, you're home." you whispered back. You shifted out of his grip to stretch and then laid back down, resting your back on Daniel's chest and letting his arms wrap around your shoulders. "How'd it go?" you asked and he kissed the top of your head. "He supports us. He apologized for everything and told me how he really felt about it all. He said he wants us all to be happy, and if we are what makes each other happy, then he's all for it. And some, other stuff." Daniel explained and you sat up, turning to look at him. "Really?" you said with a smile and he nodded. You leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Wait, what other stuff?" you pulled back to ask, and Daniel ran his hand through his hair. He stayed quiet, knowing what he wanted to say but struggling to get the words out. His heartbeat quickened and he just stared at you until you pushed again "Daniel, spit it out! What is it?" you said. "I think I'm falling for you." he blurted out and your eyes went wide. "What?" you breathed and Daniel grabbed your hand. "I love you, Y/N. I'm in love with you. If you don't say it back, it's okay. But I needed to say it. I've been wanting to say it for so long and-" you cut him off by pressing your lips to his. You kissed him slowly, only pulling away to leave centimeters between your lips. "Shut up, Seavey. I love you too. I'm in love with you too." you whispered and his lips broke out into a goofy grin, pulling you back in for another kiss.

The rest of the day was spent with you and Daniel cuddled up in bed, ordering take out for dinner. You eventually dozed off during a random movie that he put on and he pulled the comforter over your bodies, letting his body relax and fall asleep right along with you. While you were sleeping, you received a text:

corbs: Hey Y/N. I know it's been a while since we've talked, but I miss you. If you're up for it, I was wondering if I could come over sometime this week so we can talk about everything. Let me know what day works for you if you want to. I love you kiddo

That'll be a fun text to wake up to. Is Y/N ready to talk to Corbyn? Is she ready to confront him about all of her worries that have developed?

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