chapter eight

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"Jack that literally has fragile written on the side of it." Jonah scolded as Jack dropped a box of your things a bit too harshly. You looked over to Corbyn and shook your head, "Called it." The boys laughed and started to bring boxes to their respective rooms. You settled in the kitchen, opening boxes and putting away dishes. Zach came over to help you and didn't waste any time before asking about you and Daniel. "So, you stayed in Daniel's room last night?" he said and you nodded nonchalantly, hating that you couldn't even tell Zach yet. "Corbyn snores." you stated simply and Zach muttered a "mhm", not believing you for a second. "Whatever you say, Y/N." he said and you sighed. "Shut up and help me put away these dishes, Zach." Zach snickered and put some more plates in the cabinets.

As the day went on, you got a lot of work done. The kitchen, bathroom and living room were all unpacked. You had a fun day moving in with the boys, they made i more bearable with their jokes and lighthearted energy. The last big thing left to do was your bedroom, but you figured you could save that for last when you didn't need the boys' help anymore. It was getting close to 8PM when you finally sent them back to the house, thanking them for their help. "Thank you guys so much for doing this. It probably would've taken me double the time without you." you said and began hugging them one by one. You hugged Daniel first so that you didn't draw any attention to your long hug, then went down the line until you got to Corbyn. He held you tight, like you were moving 500 miles away when in fact you were closer. "I'm really happy for you, Y/N. This is gonna be great. Call us if you need anything, okay?" he said seriously. You smiled at him and pinched his cheek. "Will do, Corbs. Get home safe please!" You walked the boys out and waved to them through your window facing the street. Even from the 4th floor you could still see Daniel wink at you from the passenger seat of Jonah's car and it made you blush. The second you were alone, you went to your bedroom, hooked up your speaker and had yourself a dance party while you unpacked all of your things. You were really damn happy with your life at that moment. Of course, a part of you was pained by keeping such a big part of your life a secret from your brother but you weren't sure what else to do. You were so afraid of making him upset with you or Daniel, and you weren't sure if you could risk ruining Why Don't We's future by making Corbyn that upset with his own best friend. You turned down your music and laid on your bed after you made it, staring up at the ceiling. How were you going to make this better?

Meanwhile at the WDW house...

Daniel took a deep breath and stepped up the stairs, each of his steps feeling like a thousand pounds. His heart raced in his chest and he tried his best to prepare himself for what was about to happen. He was going to tell Corbyn about his relationship with you. Daniel didn't warn you or tell you because in his mind, the only thing you'd do was try to stop him. He knew you wanted to tell him but he thought it'd be better if it was on him rather than you. Daniel got to Corbyn's door and knocked on the door with his shaky hand. "Come in!" Corbyn yelled from the other side of the door. Here goes nothing, Daniel thought, and stepped into the room. "Hey man." Corbyn said and Daniel cleared his throat, "Hey." Corbyn noticed Daniel's nervous state and sat up straighter. "Everything alright, dude? You look shaken up." Daniel nervously laughed and pulled at his fingers. "Yeah, um, I just need to talk to you about something. I don't think you're gonna like it, but I can't keep hiding it from you." Corbyn's eyebrows furrowed and he motioned for him to continue. Daniel drew in one last deep breath and let it out slowly. "Y/N and I are a couple. I asked her out last week and she said yes. We've liked each other for a while now, and we were planning to tell you but were both so afraid of hurting you or upsetting you. We didn't know what to do, so we lied. And we snuck around. I'm so sorry, Corbyn." Daniel let out. Corbyn's face turned white and he clutched onto his bed sheets. He closed his eyes and sighed before standing up and walking over to Daniel. Daniel Seavey, his best friend for years, was expecting him to scream in his face, maybe shove him a little. Instead in a split second Daniel felt Corbyn's fist connect with the side of his face. Daniel stumbled back, holding his mouth. Blood dripped onto his hand from the cut on his lip and he looked up at Corbyn in disbelief, "What the fuck, dude?" Corbyn looked like steam could come out of his ears. "Do not 'what the fuck, dude' me right now! My sister, Daniel, my fucking sister?" Corbyn said and he leaned in again, smacking Daniel in the nose. The other boys heard the commotion and rushed in just as Corbyn landed the second shot to Daniel's face. "Woah woah woah, hold the fuck up! Guys!" Zach yelled and got in between them to pull them apart. Jonah grabbed Corbyn and Jack grabbed Daniel, pulling them in opposite directions while they still tried to get at each other. "Cut it out, guys! Knock it off!" Jonah yelled and they finally stopped, Corbyn glaring at Daniel and Daniel wiping the blood from his nose. He pulled away from Jonah and stormed out of the room. "Where the fuck are you off to?" Zach yelled. "Away from here. See you tomorrow!" Daniel shouted and slammed the front door. He got into his car with one destination in mind, your place. "What just happened?" Jack said, shoving Corbyn's shoulder and the boys all stared at him awaiting a response. "He just came in here all serious and sentimental, tells me that he's dating my sister, then tries to make himself out to be the victim!" Corbyn growls and Zach coughs. Corbyn's eyes shot to Zach and he could've sworn his hair was up in flames. "Did you know? Did you all know?" he asked angrily. "No, no Corb we didn't. We all figured they might've had a thing for each other but none of us knew it was anything like that." Jonah defended lightly and Corbyn huffed. "I need to talk to Y/N." The boys rushed to stop him and told him to stay home, cool down and talk to you tomorrow. "You need to clear your head. She's your little sister, bro. She wouldn't hurt you on purpose like this." Jack said and Corbyn nodded slowly. "I'm gonna try to sleep this off and go over to Y/N's tomorrow. Night guys."

You turned off your music when you heard loud banging at the door. You were startled, unsure of who would be showing up this late, you haven't even been there 24 hours. You walked over to the door and swung it open to see Daniel, hair tousled in different ways and blood all over his nose and chin. You gasped and pulled him into your apartment, "Daniel, what the hell happened? Hold on, let me get some stuff to clean you up. Sit here." you rushed out. You ran to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and went back to Daniel on the couch. "Turn and face me," you said, "this is gonna sting. I'm sorry." you said. You straddled his lap and held his chin in your hand. You wiped the blood off with a hydrogen peroxide wipe and he winced. "Shit." he groaned and you tried to be gentler. "I'm sorry baby. I'm almost done." Once you finished cleaning his face up and giving him some tissue for his nose, you moved to sit next to him. "Now, what happened? Did someone jump you, or something? Where are the boys?" you asked, trying to stay calm. Daniel sighed deeply and grabbed your hand. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I couldn't take it anymore." You sat up and looked at him confused, "Daniel, what did you do?" "I told Corbyn. And he hit me, twice. The guys broke it up and I stormed out. I told him we wanted to tell you, but we were afraid of what he'd do so we hid it. He got so angry, Y/N." he explained and his voice started to shake. Your jaw dropped but you tried to pull it together once you saw Daniel's expression. "Come here," you said and pulled him into a hug. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and you threaded your hand through his hair. "Aren't you mad at me?" he mumbled and you whispered 'no'. You pulled back and put your hands on his cheeks, "He probably would've gotten just as angry if I did it, maybe less violent though." You ran your thumb over his bottom lip, barely touching the cut. "Let's go to sleep, we can talk about this more tomorrow." you said and kissed his forehead. Daniel nodded and followed you to your room. He stripped down to nothing but his boxers and climbed into bed beside you. You rolled over to face him and he pulled you into his chest, resting his head on top of yours. You both fell asleep, exhausted from the long and painful day.

The next morning would've been so peaceful, so happy if you hadn't woken up to multiple sharp knocks on your front door. "Y/N? C'mon Y/N open up we need to talk!" Corbyn.

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