chapter six

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"Okay but what if I want to get a dog?" "Y/N are you gonna get a dog?" "Maybe one day!" You and Daniel had just left the fourth apartment showing you'd been to today, this one not being a right fit just like the other three. You sighed in frustration as you walked back to your car, feeling doubtful that you'd find an apartment anytime soon. You quit your job in Texas, but your boss was kind about it and offered to write you a referral to their chains in Los Angeles, so you had work covered. Now it was all about finding somewhere to actually live, which seemed to be impossible. You drove silently, internalizing all your discontent. Daniel reached over and put his hand on your knee, "Hey," he said softly, "you'll find a place. Take a deep breath and let's go into this next one with an open mind, okay?" You looked to him with sad eyes but nodded, taking a breath and pulling up to the fifth apartment complex of the day. This one was only 15 minutes from the Why Don't We house and you silently hoped it would be the one. You and Daniel walked in and met the owner of the complex who'd be giving you a tour of the place. "Hello! Are you two potential buyers?" she said cheerily and Daniel gestured to you, "She is, not me." "Oh! I'm sorry, I assumed you were a couple. My apologies, shall we?" she said and started walking to give you the tour. You and Daniel looked at each other with flushed cheeks but followed the woman in silence.

"It's perfect," you said, sitting on the bed in the bedroom, "it's the right size, I can have pets, and it's only a fifteen minute drive from you guys." "It's also in the right price range you were looking for," Daniel added and you squealed with excitement. "I'm so excited, I'm gonna go tell her that I'm interested." you said and walked back out into the living area. Daniel sat on the bed alone with his thoughts. Ever since the owner made the comment about you two being a couple, he couldn't help but wish for it to be real. He wanted to be your boyfriend, he really did, but he was blocked by more than one obstacle. First of all, he wasn't even sure that you felt the same. You were one of his best friends, he didn't want to chance it and possibly ruin one of the greatest bonds he's ever had, especially now that you were going to be around so much more. Then there was the obvious one, Corbyn. Daniel had no idea how Corbyn would react. He didn't want to take that chance either and end up losing two of his favorite people all at once. Despite the cons, he let his mind wander about the perfect world where you were his and he was yours, the two of you happy together. "Daniel, hey! Look!" you said from the doorway and snapped him back to reality. You held up a set of keys and shook them happily. "It's yours?" Daniel questioned hopefully. "Yep! All mine, baby! I was the highest bidder and she let me close on it same day! Oh my god I cannot wait to tell Corb!" you shouted and ran up to hug Daniel. He gladly accepted, holding you close to his chest and lifting you up a bit. Once you pulled back, you let your arms rest on his biceps and smiled up at him, "Thank you for helping me with this. I don't know what I'd do without you." Daniel grinned and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "I'm happy to help, Y/N/N. Now, let's head back and surprise the guys."

You walked into the Why Don't We house to a familiar sight of four boys piled onto the living room furniture playing some video game. "Watch it, watch—Jack! C'mon dude! That was such an easy kill how'd you miss it?" Corbyn yelled at Jack. Jack tossed the controller to Zach, "Man! Let him do it, I suck at this shit." The boys all laughed and Jonah spotted you and Daniel in the doorway. "Hey, you're back! How was the mall?" Jonah asked. "It doesn't look like you went to the mall." Corbyn commented, his previous suspicions flaring back up. "That's because we didn't go to the mall." you stated simply and Corbyn stood up. "Where were you then?" he said, a bit more accusatory than he meant it to be. Daniel threw his hands up in defense and motioned to you. "Let her tell you." Corbyn was preparing to blow up when you held up a set of keys, then his expression softened. "What? Did you get a new car?" Jack asked. "Nope, I got an apartment on Westgrove. I'm officially living in L.A. now!" you said with a smile on your face and Corbyn hopped over the couch. He picked you up in a hug and spun you around. "No way! Are you serious, please don't say you're messing with me 'cause that would be the meanest prank you've ever pulled." he said quickly. "Yeah, that would top the time you put salt instead of sugar in Jonah's coffee." Zach snickered and Jonah threw a pillow at him. "That was literally awful. But anyways, hell yeah Y/N! We'll get to see you all the time now!" Jonah beamed and you felt like your heart was going to explode. Corbyn finally let you go and you squeezed his hand, "I am serious. I couldn't take living so far anymore, telling mom and dad was hard but they understood. I move in on Monday and I'm gonna need your guys' help." you said. Corbyn motioned to the four boys around him then pointed to himself, "That's what you got us for!"

Later that night you knocked on Daniel's door, wanting to talk to him. "Come in." he said and you pushed the door open to see him sitting on his bed in shorts, a beanie and no shirt. "Hey, Y/N. What's up?" he asked, absentmindedly strumming the guitar. The sight of him made you lose your train of thought, so you walked over and sat on the end of his bed to give yourself more time to think. "I wanted to talk to you about something, but I've been really unsure about it. It's kind of serious." you said, playing with your hands to avoid making eye contact with him. Daniel set the guitar down and moved closer to you, "You can talk to me about anything, you know that. What is it?" he said gently. You took in a deep breath, hands shaking and still keeping your head down. "I think I like you, and if you don't like me, I totally understand, Like, I don't—I don't know Daniel I just can't stop wondering if you're just my sweet best friend or if it's something more." you rushed out and finally looked up at him. You couldn't read the expression on his face and immediately panicked. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said—," you said but you were cut off by Daniel pressing his lips to yours. You were shocked at first, but then relaxed and kissed him back. You placed your hand on the back of his neck and he rested his hand on your leg. You pulled back because no matter how badly you wanted to savor this moment, you needed air. Daniel's blue eyes looked deep into yours and he ran his thumb across your jaw. "I like you too, Besson. A lot. I've been too scared to say anything because, well, I didn't think you felt the same and I didn't want to risk ruining things between you and I or Corbyn and I." For a moment you felt pure joy, knowing that this gorgeous boy felt the same way for you. Not to mention the euphoria of kissing him, but as soon as Corbyn's named came out of his mouth you both realized. "Oh shit, what are we gonna tell Corbyn?" you said and Daniel's eyes went wide. "We don't tell him!" he said and you smacked his arm. "Daniel he's my brother! We have to tell him." you said and he rubbed his arm, "Oh stop, like that actually hurt." He pouted at you, "It hurt my feelings. Kiss it better?" You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek instead, feeling the warmth of his blushing skin on your lips. Not even a second later, there was a knock at the door and you two jumped apart. You motioned for Daniel to say something and he did a terrible job, "Uh, who is it?" he said. You put your hands over your eyes and shook your head in disapproval. "It's Corbyn. Can I come in?" he said from the other side of the door. Daniel looked to you and you had to come up with something quick to act casual, if possible. "No," you said, "only cool kids allowed!" Daniel chuckled and Corbyn came in anyway with his hands on his hips. "First of all, I am the coolest one here. Second, what are we up to in here?" he said and clapped his hands together. "We were just trying to figure out a movie to watch all together tonight. Ideas?" Daniel said and you internally sighed a sigh of relief. Finally, you thought, a smart idea. "Let's watch The Hangover!" Corbyn said excitedly and you shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

You sat next to Daniel during the movie. There was a blanket over the two of you, and Daniel's hand crept up to hold yours underneath it. You laced your fingers with his and gave it a gentle squeeze, happy to finally be able to be truthful with him. Now your biggest issue was, how the hell were you going to explain this to Corbyn?

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