chapter eleven

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"Daniel!" you yelled from your bedroom. No response. "Dani!" you tried again, "Yes?" he yelled back. "Can you come in here for a second?" Daniel swung open the door to your bedroom and you gave him a pleading smile. "Can you zip my dress please?" you asked and he chuckled, walking over to help you. You watched him through the mirror while you moved your hair to the side, slowly zipping up the back of your black mini dress. Once he finished, he kissed the side of your neck and locked eyes with you through the mirror. "You look beautiful, baby." he said and your face flushed. You turned around to face him and pulled on his collar, "You look pretty damn good yourself, Seavey." you said and you connected your lips to his. Once you pulled away you stifled a laugh and he raised an eyebrow at you. "You've got a little lipstick," you said, reaching up to wipe the color off of his lips. "Are you almost ready?" he asked, putting his hands on your waist. "Yeah, I just have to put my shoes on and I'm good to go." you said and he nodded, letting you go. Tonight was the release party for the band's newest single, Trust Fund Baby. When you were ready, you and Daniel got in the car and headed towards the Why Don't We house to pick up Zach, Jack and Jonah. Daniel pulled in the driveway and you spotted Christina's car parked next to you. She caught your gaze and waved, smiling at you. You waved back and blew a kiss. You two hadn't talked much since you and Corbyn fought. It wasn't intentional, it just ended up that way; but you missed her. The boys all came filing out of the house dressed up to go and you made eye contact with your brother. He shot you a soft smile and you raised your eyebrows back, not entertained by his pleasantries. Corbyn got in the passenger seat of Christina's car and the other three slid into the backseat of Daniel's. You turned in your seat to face them, "Aw, you all look so handsome." you cooed and Zach adjusted his shirt, "Believe it or not I can look pretty good sometimes." he said cockily and Jonah rolled his eyes, "Yeah, when your mom helps you pick out your outfit." You and the boys snickered and Zach shoved Jonah's shoulder, "Hey! She did a good job!" he defended and you turned back in your seat. Daniel reversed out of the driveway after Christina and off the six of you were to what would be an interesting night.

You walked into the venue, hand in hand with Daniel, in awe of the size and the vibe. It was the most rowdy yet sophisticated party you'd ever seen. The management team, close friends and obviously press were all there. You took a deep breath and held Daniel's hand a little tighter. "Nervous?" he asked, squeezing your hand in response. "Mmm, maybe a little. Corbyn never brought me to any of these kinds of events before." you said sheepishly and Daniel kissed your cheek. "It's gonna be a great night, c'mon. Let's go be social." he said and you two went off to talk to some of the team. The night was filled with camera's flashing and a few interviews from radio shows wanting to know more about the single. At one point during the night, you and Daniel found yourselves dead center in front of at least five different cameras. "Daniel! Tell me, are you and Y/N Besson an official couple?" one of the women asked and Daniel looked to you, then back to her. "Yes, we are. We're very happy about it." Daniel beamed, slinking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "That is adorable! Can we get a few pictures?" she asked and you two nodded, "Of course! Make sure to get good shots of her though, she looks better than me." Daniel added and you buried your face in his chest to hide the color in your cheeks. The paparazzi gathered and took a few photos of you and Daniel together. Daniel brought your face up to his and leaned in for a kiss. When his lips were centimeters away from yours he whispered, "Is this okay?" You smiled and connected the kiss, hearing the shutters go off and seeing the brightness of the flashes behind your closed eyes. After the pictures settled down, you two noticed that they had moved on to pictures of Corbyn and Christina. "Corbyn, can we get some shots of you and your sister?" one of the press men asked and Corbyn looked at you. You put on a fake smile and walked over to him, "Absolutely!" you said in an almost painfully cheerful voice. Once they left, you walked away from Corbyn, trying not to make it too obvious that you two weren't on good terms. "Y/N, wait." he called after you and you turned around, arms crossed. "What?" you said annoyed and Corbyn sighed. "I really want to talk to you soon and sort all this stuff out." he said and you dropped your arms. "Corbyn, we can talk about this another time. It's your release party, go have your fun and I'll have mine, okay?" you said sternly and he nodded, walking away.

"What was that?" Daniel asked as you approached him and Jack. You let out a deep sigh, "He's trying to talk to me about everything right now like it's an appropriate time for it. I told him to leave it alone for tonight, I want to have fun and I really don't feel like being the reason he doesn't." you explained and Jack put a hand on your shoulder. "It'll work out, Y/N. I promise. Now let's go, the dance floor awaits!" he said excitedly and Daniel grabbed your hand, eagerly pulling you towards the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the room.

The music pounded in your ears and you could feel the bass in your feet. You and Daniel went back and forth between dancing seriously and making complete fools of yourselves. Regardless, you were having a great time. The clock hit midnight and the second it did, the intro to Trust Fund Baby started playing. In the midst of the crowd, somehow the boys found each other in the middle and started belting out their respective parts. The room was buzzing and filled with so much happiness, for the song and for the boys. After Trust Fund Baby ended, the DJ played a slower but still upbeat song as a breather after all the hype. You ended up separating the crowd with Jonah, finding a colder spot in the room to cool down from dancing so much. "So, what do you think?" Jonah said. "Are you kidding? I loved it! I'm so proud of you guys." you said grinning and Jonah pulled you in for a hug. "Can I steal my girlfriend for a moment?" Daniel said, winking at you. Jonah held your hand out towards Daniel, "She's all yours." he said with a smile and you laughed. Daniel grabbed your waist and pulled you close until you were chest to chest. "How'd you like the new song?" Daniel asked, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You leaned up and kissed him, feeling him smile into the kiss. "I loved it. The fans are probably already going wild over it." you said and he brushed his nose against yours. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I don't know what I would've done without you." he said. Unbeknownst to you, Daniel was internally fighting back the urge to tell you he loved you. He worried it was too soon, or that you didn't feel the same way. Despite his worries, he was completely sure he loved you. Your smile broke him out of his thoughts. "I'm glad I'm here too, I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." He leaned down to kiss you again, before taking your hand and heading towards the coat room. "Daniel, what are we doing in here?" you chuckled and he locked the door, turning back to you with a smile. He walked up to you and placed both of his hands on your cheeks, pulling you in for a kiss. It got heated quickly, Daniel dragged his hands down from your face, to your waist, and finally resting right below your butt. "Jump," he whispered and lifted you onto a counter. You made out for what felt like forever, Daniel's hands on your body and yours in his hair. You were interrupted by a knock at the door, "Hey! I gotta get in there!" You both immediately recognized the voice; Corbyn. You rolled your eyes and jumped down from the countertop. "I have an idea." you whispered, "Just go with it." Daniel nodded and you stood against the wall where you'd be hidden by the door. You gestured for him to open it and he swung it open, your hand catching the door handle before it hit you. "Oh, hey." Corbyn said awkwardly. "Hey, sorry I needed a quiet place to talk. Anna called." Daniel said and Corbyn nodded. "Gotcha, well um, we're still gonna talk right?" he said. "Yeah, we can go get food or something Sunday. Gives us 24 hours to recover from tonight." Daniel said with a light chuckle and Corbyn grabbed his coat. "See you Sunday, man. Have a good night. Oh, and tell Y/N that she's always been the worst at hide and seek." he said, waving as he walked out the door. You swung it closed and covered your mouth while Daniel burst into a fit of laughter. "Stop! That was so awkward." you whined and he grabbed your coats. "Let's go home." he said lightly, kissing your forehead. "Sounds good to me, you can help me unzip this dress." you said and smiled mischievously at him. Daniel shook his head at you with a smirk and followed you back out to the car, ready to go home and spend the rest of his night with you.

The release party went well, so Y/N and Daniel have that off their hands. Now, we wait for Sunday.

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