school tomorrow

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deku POV (i'm so bored i just realized that a P (POV) and a 9 look like 69 wtf help me)

i'm so fucking happy i can actually cry on someone, i can't rely on them, that's bad. but just being able to cry with someone... it makes you feel like your not alone and someone actually will listen to your problems, who would listen to them anyway? they're stupid things that can easily be fixed. i mean i started crying because i couldn't eat, i couldn't make him proud, happy, feel accomplished, i made him feel horrible. you know what? people say that you never make them feel horrible but you just think that you do, i don't believe that. i make everyone disappointed in me.

"hey, you don't make anyone disappointed. you made me feel proud and happy because your trying izuku. most people wouldn't have tried to eat, you eat. maybe not much, but that's okay. you are amazing izuku, im proud of you."

fuck, i said that out loud. must have been mumbling.

"we have school tomorrow, ready to go?" i shake my head but who can be ready for a whole new hell? "i'll protect you, don't worry," he says as he kisses the side of my cheek. im blush so flipping hard.

we just keep hanging out together for the rest of the night, we got mcdonalds, MC NUGGETSSSSS i'll eat like one and then have a stomach ache but their sooooooo good (me with like 4 (yes i'm a child who likes mcnuggets fiteme) and lavender_otaku_girl you gotta get this).

we watch anime, good ones, we'll most anime's are good but we watch one that has the initials of bnha i don't know what it means. it's about the protagonist living in a world of super powers and having none, then wanting to get into the best school H.A. (hero academy) and he gains the best superheroes power— waiiiiiiiit this sounds like me... whatever.

after we watch season 3, we look up when season 4 is coming out, october 12th, DAMN ONLY A FEW DAYSSSSS YASSSS this anime is so good.

we decide to head off to bed around 20:10 (8:10 pm) because kacchan was getting sleepy. he said he goes to bed at 8:32 and i saw a poem on him actually.

roses are red
violets aren't blue
bakugo goes to bed
at 8:32

(no i didn't make it up)

it's a good poem, it makes sense.

around 20:40 (8:40 pm) kacchan has fallen asleep leaving me up, cuddling him.

'please let school go decently...'

yee yeet

do you really love me? (suicidal deku x bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now