chapter 26

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1 year later...

Andrea Daniels.

"Get off of me" I screamed.

He used his free hand and covered my mouth.

"Shut up" He mumbled on my neck.

I felt my body suddenly relax, I honestly had no more energy to fight him.

"Can we talk without screaming at each other now?" 

I just nodded. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth and I turned to face him.

"You need to leave" I said calmly.

"What is wrong with you Andrea?" He asked with a frown.

"What you mean what's wrong with me Izayah? Have you not seen the time, do you know how bust tomorrow is going to be? Do you even care that your son is going to be turning 1 tomorrow?" 

He kissed hs teeth.

"Of course I care, I was with Calvin"

"Yeah...on the fucking streets once again risking your life and God knows who's lipstick that is on you jumper but you know what I'm tired and I've got a busy day tomorrow so I'm going to sleep" I said pushing past him towards our adjoined bathroom.

I knew he was going to follow me so I didn't even bother closing the door behind me.

"Ain't nothing happened, some old fling hugged me and tried to kiss up on me but even ask Calvin I dashed her then came straight home" He said watching me undress.

I didn't even have the strength to reply back to him so I just turned on the shower and got in.

"Andrea? I told you I'm serious about us from last year and I have been ain't shit happened tonight, I only want you, I want more kids with you and everything" 

"I'm not having another child with you until I know your dead serious Zay and from how you still acting I know your not"

He rolled his eyes and begun undressing himself only causing me to roll my eyes now.

"I didn't want company in the shower" I mumbled.

He pushed up against me holding me from behind.

"I love you Andrea" He mumbled into my neck as the water poured over the both of us.

"And I love you Izayah, you know that but I'm honestly starting to give up, of course a child doesn't change anything but I really thought after Ash you would have changed a little" 

I felt him breathe into my back.

"I don't know how to change..."

I closed my eyes shaking my head in disappointment.

"That's not what I wanted you to say, you need some serious help Izayah, I already know you slept with that girl today"

He shook his head.

"I know about all the other girls too, but still I stay and I honestly don't know why, maybe its the love stopping me from packing me and Ash's stuff up and moving away but something in me believe's you can change, I don't know what it is you have to do but you need to figure it out" 

I turned round to face him. 

"In all honesty this has been the hardest year I've been through by far, and you know that I think we need some space from each other" 

He looked down at me with sad eyes.

"You can't leave"

"Don't do that Izayah..."

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