chapter 3

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(a little time jump now, chapter 1 and 2 is more or less how Andrea and Izayah met)

6 months later...

Andrea Daniels.

"Your fat, no one's ever gonna love you bitch"

I rolled my eyes at Jasmine and her friends, she knocked into me but blames it on my weight for her being in my way.

"Whatever, your the one that bumped into me" 

"What? You talking back? Your fat ass bumped me bitch"

This girl has hated on me and Clar forever and I was currently sick of it. Clar, my mum and miss Nicole's words started floating in my head. 

"No, skinny bitch your big bobble head ass bumped me"

She started laughing then swung at me instantly missing. I clenched my knuckles then punched her right in her jaw instantly watching her mouth fill up with blood. Her dippy friends started to jump in but right now I didn't care. I was swinging left and right.

"Fuck em up Drea, I'm coming"

I started laughing still throwing punches. I knew that was Clar's crazy ass. After what felt like hours I felt myself being dragged up and carried away. Instantly thinking it was security so I continued to kick and fuss.

"Drea calm down" 

Suddenly my body became limp at the soft voice in my ear. I looked around noticing I was in the back seat of Calvin's car.

"You calm now?" 

I looked up into Izayah's eyes nodding slowly.

"I'm fine" I mumbled.

But I wasn't. I was tired of people taking me for a joke, tired of the name calling, tired of feeling ugly.

I felt as he caressed my cheek. It was weird, considering we wasn't talking why was he being so nice to me? 

"Why are you being nice to me?"

He kissed his teeth.

"Here we go again Andrea, df you askin me that for? Same fuckin question why we fell out in the first beginning"

"Because I don---"

Before I could yell anything back Calvin and Clar got in the front of the car.

"Yall good?" Cal asked putting the car in drive.

We both just starred at each other and remained quiet.


Since mama Nicole was at work we decided to just bunk of the rest of school at Cal's house. 

"You clearly need this" Clar said handing me a blunt.

I smiled faintly at her.

"What happened sis? I had to drag to jumping hoes" 

"I was just walking to my locker to meet up with you and she bumped me saying I was in the way because of my weight, I got tired of her and her friends laughing at me so I swung" I said with a small shrug.

Clar's lips turned up forming a wide smile.

"That's my girl"

"Seriously, did the guards or principle see yall?"

"Nah, everything got cleared before it got to that" 

I nodded taking a big pull of the blunt. 

"I think you and Zay should talk too btw" She whispered looking over at Cal and Izayah on the ps4. 

"What's there to talk about Clar? He clearly hates me"

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