chapter 25

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Izayah Smith.

I starred at Cal once Riah finish telling us the WHOLE story.

"Someone say something" Riah said lowly.

"My bestfriend has been lying to me since I've known her, why wouldn't she tell me this? Why would she put everyone in danger? Why would she just sell her self up like that? I have so many questions" Andrea said looking disappointed.

"And they will be questions I can't answer only she can, but if I know Khalil well I know he's doing this because he wants her, he's always wanted her, the only reason why he went out with me was to be closer to her and because she said no to him, I was stupid and should have never got involved with them but at the end of the day that's my cousin"

"So...she will be with him right? Can't we go?" Andrea asked again.

"To do what? Leave her there" Cal spat.

"You don't mean that Calvin..."Riah said in a soft voice. "You love her...its evident on your face but to be able to get rid of Khalil won't be so as, he knows to many people, we won't even be able to trust any body, not saying yall ain't got ya backup but he's powerful, I've seen it with my own eyes" Riah continued.

"Man, weather its my feelings talking or not I honestly don't care about this situation, whatever yall have planned leave me out of it...I need to smoke" He said before getting up and walking out to the garden.

I sighed.

"Ima go check on him" Riah said leaving me and Andrea alone walking towards the garden too.

"This is ridiculous Izayah we have to do something right?" Andrea asked with a sad expression on her face.

I wiped my hand down my face shaking my head.

"D...I honestly don't know at this point, I can't work without my cousin and right now he's in a shit head space, he thought Clarice cheated on him then he cheats and it backfires forward and then back, she said she wasn't cheating but now we know she was...well she was up to something unless he gives me the okay I can't do it on my own and you just had little man I can't have you getting involved in this shit" I said truthfully.

She pouted and her eyes glossed over.

"Before you came down here Clarice was all I had...why would she do this to me?" 

I watched her sit there and break down.

"Drea please don't work yourself up"

She laid her head in her hands so I stood up and pulled her into me.

"You have me now though right?"

"For how long? The shit you do is dangerous and we ain't exactly in a couple we had a baby because of angry sex not because we made love and wanted it that way" She said wiping her eyes. 

I felt my heart ache listening to her pouring out her heart about everything.

"Ima change not just for you but for Ash too, yall need me and I need to change I know but with all this shit still hitting the fan I can't just stop here I can't afford for none of yall to get hurt"

We both just stayed there quiet I guess she was trying to process what I was saying.

"I love you..."

Calvin McCall.

I passed the blunt to Riah looking up and out at the stars in the sky.

"Why me Riah?" I asked lowly.

"Don't do that Calvin, don't beat yourself up about all of this, my cousin she's...a idiot I can say but I know she really likes you dare I say loves you, right now I honestly think she's doing this to protect yall"

"Nah be real with me...I know you know more than your saying its just me and you"

I heard as she let out a long sigh before handing me the blunt back.

"Remeber that time you came to visit when yall first kind of started off, we was in the garden and you went to go talk to my mum, well she told me she was pregnant by Khalil, I hated her so much not only because she was still messing with Khalil but because..." She sighed. "Because I liked you and knew you deserved better"

I looked at her kind of shocked.

"Yeah...I liked you...still like you but yeah she got rid of it because she wanted to still try and pursue you even though both me and her knew she was still on Khalil, I was scared of hurting your feelings that's why I never said anything" 

"Just when I fault my night couldn't get any worse" I chuckled. "I'm definatly over her I could careless about where she is and I hope she lives a happy life with ole dude"

She stayed quiet.

"I know that's not true"

"It is, because Karma is a bitch, the only reason why I visited yall so much is to be closer to you. You a beautiful girl Riah once she introduced us the first time I knew I was with the wrong cousin, and yeah that same time she told you she was pregnant is the same time your mum told me that I should be with you that Clarice was no good and I should have listened but I've learned my lesson now, not saying we should jump into a relationship but I wouldn't mind getting to know you"

She looked up at me and slightly smiled.

"That would be nice"

"So yall couldn't roll nun for us" Izayah said walking over with Andrea.

"You can roll your own shit" I said throwing him the bag of weed.

I looked over at Riah who was stilling looking at me. Its just time for me to follow my heart now.

Clarice James.

I starred dead at Khalil feeling weak to my knees I knew this was wrong but I couldn't help it.

"So, you back for good?"

I just nodded.

"You made me chase your ass all these years girl, the least you can do is speak to me"

"Are you going to leave them alone?"

"So you came back to save them niggas...or should I say nigga" He said referring to Calvin.

I rolled my eyes not even really carring at this point.

"I came back for good Khalil not for no one but to be with you call me stupid but I was tired of the back and forth yall was doing, if its me you wanted you got me"

He smirked.

"And this why I love you Clarice"

"And I love you Khalil, can we just move I wanna be away from all of this"

He started to laugh.

"Baby girl, don't think because I got my girl back Ima let that beef with them niggas slide" He said still laughing.

My stomach turned.

"I don't care who I hit, them niggas wanted war and now they got it"

All I could think about was Andrea and Ashiyah.

"Just promise me something" I said lowly.

He raised his eyebrow.


"Don't hurt my cousin or best friend and her baby"

He smirked playing with his chin. 

"Your wish is my command baby" He said with a sinister smile.

Only now realising what I've just said my eyes widened.


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