Chapter 26

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This isn't a filler, but it's getting late and school is starting tomorrow (NOOOOO) so I've had to cut it a bit short. It was 9 pages on word, I swear. Wattpad makes everything shorter :(

Keep up the voting and commenting!


Yasmin xx


Chapter 26


Acacia’s POV



“Settle down with me,


Cover me up,


Cuddle me in,


Lie down with me and hold me,


In your arms,” Harry softly sang, his breath tickling my neck.

It was nice not being alone in bed. Having someone’s arm wrapped around you, the steady breathing of their heart, their breath. That no bad things could harm you, because you’re safe. You’re comforted. Everything was going to be okay.

It had been one year.

12 months.

52 weeks.

365 days.

8, 765 hours.

31,556,736 seconds.

And I had missed him that whole time.

Were we going too fast? Were we rushing it? Should we be cautious? Possibly.

But I didn’t mind.

“Your hearts against my chest,


Lips pressed to my neck,


I’ve fallen for your eyes,


But they don’t know me yet.” Harry continued quietly, his arm wrapped around my waist, his slow, steady breathing against my chest.

Maybe he should have gone home after recounting that whole Chloe story, instead of lying with me. Sent me a text in the morning instead.

But I knew we both didn’t want that.

“And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now,


Kiss me like you wanna be loved,

Changing Styles - A Harry Styles/One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now