Running In Circles

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Devlin frowned.

"He's not in Jessie's room?" He questioned.

"Ohh shoot... I said I was going to.. My bad.. I think he's in there asleep." Ivan mumbled.

Devlin headed for the room and Katrina coughed out loud, knowing it was loud enough for Jared to hear her. "Are you okay?" Ivan asked her worried, Katrina nodded, and placed her hands on her side. They heard loud moans coming from Jared and she softly groaned, looking up at the ceiling.

She didn't know how to help him.

She heavily breathed out, she didn't have her phone with her, so she couldn't warn the men that they were going to knock.. Or worse.. Walk in on them, she tried to think of a way to distract them if the door was unlocked. "I need to yell in pain or something." Then they heard banging against the wall.

"Really Jared?" Katrina widened her eyes and placed her hand over her mouth, she couldn't believe Jude was that rough. "What tha fuck?" Ivan mumbled, leaving them, he didn't want to hear it anymore. Devlin stood at the end of the door, he paused, and then banged hard.

"Jared!" He shouted.

He turned around and grinned at Katrina.

They heard nothing but complete silence afterwards.

Devlin knocked again.

They waited until they heard it unlock.

The door opened halfway, and Jared glared at him wide eyed. "What's up?" He huffed, his shirt was off and Devlin tried to see past him, but couldn't. Devlin groaned and smiled. "Who's here? Who did you sneak in dis house at dis hour?" Jared nervously smiled and shrugged. "I'm sorry.. I'll keep it down." Katrina silently laughed, and placed her hand over her mouth and walked off to the bedroom they came out of.

"You have sex... In dis house?" Devlin growled, for him it came out weird, he rolled his eyes at himself for sounding like a father, then grinned, realizing he was getting ready to be one.

"N..No; Well I was just... Haha yeah I guess." He nervously said. "If it's Anthony.. He has to leave before my mom gets home around twelve." Devlin said low, he then smiled and squeezed Jared on the shoulder. Jared chuckled, and shrugged. "He's toxic... You gotta realize dis buddy, you deserve better." Devlin whispered, Jared groaned. "Yeah I know.. I just.. Needed to ya know." He grinned, Devlin sighed. "Okay we'll keep it down.. Shit.. I'm trying wit my girl here." Devlin whispered, playing with him, Jared pursed his lips. "Her belly is too huge! How are you gonna-."

Katrina screeched and rushed to the door, she was really trying to close it, but Jared thought she was pushing it open.

"Why are you blocking the door?" Katrina finally purred.

Jared looked down at her.

"Go finish what you guys are doing little one." Jared laughed, Katrina shook her head. "That time, when me and Devlin were trying and you were watching us?" She tested, Jared cracked up. "I came in the room at the end.. I didn't see anything." He nervously laughed, Katrina rolled her eyes at him and smiled. "Is it really Anthony?" She joked, Jared sighed. "He's too embarrassed to come out." He murmured.

"I bet he is." Katrina mumbled.

He closed the door in their face.

They heard him laughing inside.

Devlin took her hand and led her back inside of his room, when he shut the door and turned on the lights, Katrina gasped in shock. "This is your room?" She asked him, he embarrassingly smiled. "It's mine." He admitted, the first thing she did was look at the trophies on the wall shelf. Devlin was nervous, he couldn't believe she didn't look anywhere else.

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