Katrina's Missing.

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Jared awoke to the sound of Anthony on the phone, he adjusted his eyes, and licked his lips. They were badly chapped, he took a deep breath and tried to move his hands to scratch at his eyebrow, once Anthony seen what he was doing, he shouted and immediately clicked off.

"You're awake!" Anthony yelled, kissing him on the forehead and cheeks, Jared adjusted in the bed, the light was too bright for his eyes. "Where am I?" He asked him squinting, he tried to raise his hands up. "You're in the hospital..." Anthony cheerfully said. "The doctors said there was a slight chance that you'd never wake up after this surgery... But you proved them wrong." He exclaimed, Jared looked around the hospital room, it was very unusual, the walls were blue, and the floors were an off white. "Where am I?" He said again; This time, furrowing his brow, Anthony gave him a soft smile. "You're at Erebuni Medical Center.. In Yerevan.. You're dad's here as well." Jared nodded his head, he licked his lips again. "Uh.. Excuse me sir? Why are my lips so crusty?" Anthony furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?" Jared licked his lips again, this time he could taste metal, and it stung. "At least Katrina know's how to take better care of me more; The last time I was in the hospital, she made sure my lips weren't chapped..." He huskily said, Anthony rolled his eyes. "Well.. At least I stayed here with you! I could have been at work... In the states..." Jared coughed and gave him a weak smile, but Anthony stared down at the floor. "What is it?" He sternly asked, annoyed that his chest burned, it felt like he hasn't eaten or had anything to drink in a year. "It's nothing.. Nevermind, I'll go get you something to drink." He rushed out of the room leaving Jared alone.

Katrina screamed.

She huffed and blew her curls off her face.

Her hands were zip tied and she was sitting on dirty wet carpet, also; She had been hungry, she tried to move around and wriggle free, she caught up with the time. "It's Thursday... five o clock, I need to get the fuck up out of here, it's been seven day's already." She looked around the small room and tried to stand up. "Smarty didn't think about tying my legs up." She used a desk in the corner to position herself up, it worked; She stood tall, her knees hurt, so she leaned to the side, it was when she heard the door, that she eased herself back down on the floor. She didn't know where she was, all she knew was that she had been transferred to a small room, the door opened, and the badly beaten man walked in. He held a catheter in his hands, his once handsome face shown bruising and swelling, Katrina tried to escape multiple times, and each time they caught her. She adding up the minutes when the men left and came back; She knew when they were in the home, and she knew when they were silent, each movement the men made, she processed in her head.

The steps they took when they listened in on her, and when they were in a larger room.

"I see someone's awake." The man grunted, holding on to the door handle, and stepping to the side, Bryce walked in with a bag filled with food. "Hello gorgeous." He smiled, and came in and sat down next to her. "I brought you dinner." Katrina turned away from him and looked out the taped window.

"You need to eat Katrina, you have to feed your baby." He amusingly exclaimed. "What do you care... You're going to kill me anyways." She thought, aggravated. Bryce pushed the food closer to her. "I was told you love Chinese food... I brought you plenty." He mocked, Katrina scowled at him, she did like Chinese food but it wasn't her favorite. Bryce grabbed her face, and as soon as he cupped her chin towards him, she hawked a loogie and spat, the phlegm landed near his eye. He blinked, and shut his eyes, wiping the spit off from his nose and chin.

"You're a nasty one... Devlin has his hands full with you... Do you spit on him like that?" He curiously exclaimed, Katrina swallowed, and tugged on her cut, she had nothing to say to him. There was no point in trying to have a conversation with the men, every time she tried, they raised their voices higher, or they walked away from her.

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