Snape and Dumbledore

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I walk into Hogwarts, not even trying to fight it off any-longer. I can't stop my own body and I'm completely at his disposal.

As my legs take me into the building and up to Professor Dumbledores office. My eyes are cold and lifeless as I walk the halls, passing many people I know.

Some of them looked at my cold expression confused and some even tried to wave, but as much as I tried, I couldn't wave back.

By the time I made it to Dumbledores office, the gargoyle was about to close, but Cedric made me jump in, almost getting crushed by the stone artifact in the process.

I make my way upstairs, hearing the sounds of two men fighting. One of them, is Dumbledores and the other Snape.

I involuntarily press my ear against the door, listening to the angry men spit insults back and forth.

" Severus please..." I hear Dumbledore plead, his voice clam but there's a hint of shakiness hidden behind the carefully crafted facade. "He won't go through with it! He's just a child... you've taken the oath. Now all you need to do is guide him through and then finish the job."

I try to decipher the meaning behind Dumbledore's words but I can't seem to find he meaning behind them.

What does he mean "guide him"? "He's just a child"?

I'm so lost in thought I almost don't hear Snape reply with.

"Albus... I believe we have a little eves dropper."

And with those words in the air, the door is pulled out from under me...

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