Not Friends

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^Aphmau fans know. Prove you're a fan and I'll follow you back and give you a shout out!^

Back in the present...

My jaw drops. I knew it would happen someday, but it's, it's too soon for Draco, a CHILD to become a Death Eater. Cockface has done it again... he's ruined a, maybe not so, innocent boys life!

"So, what's the plan?" She smirks, assuming I'm going to accept her proposition.

"Well... I am good friends with Lucius-" she cuts me off.

"If you think you can sway his mind you are greatly mistaken." To this, I roll my eyes. I'm not THAT stupid!

"As I was saying! I could find a way to contact him, and talk to Draco. The worst case Scenario is that I have to "join" them, and by that I mean attempt to sit in at their meeting to fully understand his task, hoping to stop it." I say it all in only two breaths, eager to put the plan into action and even more eager to free Draco. He's one of the only things that hasn't changed completely in my life and I'd like to keep it that way.

"That could work..." Arianna starts, drawing our the word 'could'. "We'll just have to pray that he hasn't done anything too stupid that would get him a one-way ticket to Azkaban."

We look at each other, the boiling hate, pushed down to a low simmer. Common goals make even the worst enemies become less hostile.

"Just to make sure..." I start, my voice laced in venom, "we are not friends!"

The Forgotten Twin (Harry Potter/ Twilight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now