No Control

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As I sit in the cold chair, my mind foggy and my body moving on its own, I cant help, but wonder what it would've been like if I hadn't met with Lucius, if I hadn't listened to Arianna, if I had just gone home and she wasn't there. Or maybe it'd be the same. Cedric had seemed like he was going to come after me anyway, maybe it would've been a worse fate if I hadn't come. 


I look to see that I'm no longer tied to the chair, the ropes are in hoops at my feet. I go to stand, but my body wont move. Finally I stand, but when I try to run away, instead I walk closer. 

No no no! 

I try to shout, but my lips wont move. 

Fifteen feet

I try to scream for help, but again its pointless.

Ten feet

I try to run, try to hide and scream and kick,

Five feet

I slowly start to give up, but when I notice what my body is doing I try to fight it again. 

Two feet

I attempt at a scream again, but all that comes out is a dull whimper that I'm not even sure I really made.

My lips crash to his without my consent and I cant stop it. All I can do is let out tears as my body does unthinkable things on its own. 

The Forgotten Twin (Harry Potter/ Twilight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now