29 ~ Goodbyes

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One week later.

"Come on, Vi. Really put some elbow grease into it," Louis explained as he and Violet were digging graves for Ruby, Omar, and Minnie. "Like this." He gripped the shovel tightly, dug it in the ground, and vigorously lifted it up and tossed the dirt. Louis boyishly smiled at the clearly annoyed blonde.

"Just dig your grave. I want to get this over with," she said in a low manner.


The two continued to dig their graves until they were approached by Gabe. He also appeared to be not in the best mood, his scowl and sluggish body posture leading it on. "Javi said you guys could use some help, so here I am," he informed.

"Uh, great. Grab a shovel and start diggin," Lou replied.

As usual, Violet felt her typical hatred for Gabe arise throughout her body, but she remained silent and focused on the task. "So what's everyone else up to?" Lou asked, starting a casual conversation.

"Clem's with Uncle Javi and Kate. They were discussing something but I'm not sure what."

"What about that one girl's name.. Jacky.. Jacquelyn? How is she doing?" Louis asked.

"Jax. She's doing alright. I've been spending my time with her since it feels my time with Clem is forbidden," he responded, his tone expressing his annoyance to the subject. That brought out a small smile from Violet.

The boys continued their talk as Violet kept to herself and dug. "Violet, you wanna pitch in at all? You haven't said a word for a while," the dreadlocked man noted.

"We're digging graves for our people, Lou. And.. Minnie. So sorry if I'm not in the mood to talk about stupid card games and football," Vi asserted.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed I see," Lou teased, only fueling the blonde's tolerance.

"Hey, Uker is not stupid," Gabe informed, standing straight up and pointing at Vi indignantly. "It's actually really fun. I can see why someone like you wouldn't understand."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Violet retorted, gradually moving closer to Gabe.

"I think you heard me. Or are you deaf now, too?" he threw back, his arms crossed.

Louis stood up and intervened between the two before they could go any further. "Gabe, I think we got all the help we needed. You're free to leave now." Violet had her fists balled up, piercing a stare at the boy. He scoffed and turned back to walk away.

"That's it?" Violet inquired, baffled at her friend. "That's all you had to say to that shithead?"

"I know he was being a fuckhead; that was clear, but we can't go around yelling our heads off at each other. Look at what happened last time."

Violet sighed loudly and picked her shovel back up. Louis watched his distressed friend and sighed as well. He, too, grabbed his shovel and began to dig some more.

After a few moments of intense silence between the two, Louis broke it. "I had to defuse the altercation. But if he would have said anything more, I would have told him off. I have your back, Vi. You know I do."

"I-I know, Lou. It's.. fine."

He studied Violet's face, his intuition telling him something was stirring in her mind. "Everything okay?"

Violet hesitated to respond. She closed her eyes and sighed. "Eh, let's just keep digging."


Overcast hit the sky like lightning, suiting the mood of everyone and the funeral. The group gathered around the graves, carefully placing personal belongings to the deceased on top of each's grave as a final goodbye: Omar's wooden spoon for him, a horseshoe for Ruby, and even a guitar pick Gabe had stored in his room for Minnie. "Are you okay to start?" Clementine questioned Violet, who was deemed the person to give the eulogy.

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