13 ~ Matter of Time

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"What! You're crazy! There's no way in hell you're going to-" Willy began to tremble, completely rejecting the idea.

"I'm sorry, Willy, but it's the only way," Clem interrupted. "We have to get you back to the school before it's too late."

Ruby helped the poor boy to his feet. Willy stared at the ground in despair, his breathing becoming more immense. "I don't think I can. Please, just.. just let me die," Willy confessed.
His face was flooding with tears, and his eyes were puffy and red.

"There's only a few of us left as it is. We need you, Will. You'll be okay," Violet said, trying to comfort the boy.

"I'll be okay? Either I turn or I lose an arm! And if I survive the amputation, I'll be almost useless with one hand! I won't be able to shoot a bow or anything!"

"You're a part of this family. We need you. Now please, start moving so we can get you back home," Ruby said whilst tearing up.

"Okay," Willy muttered with his head down.

The four began their trip back home, Willy dragging behind along with Rosie. The girls could hear his muffled cries. "This won't be easy," Clementine stated. "Ruby, are you okay with doing the amputation?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure. He's gonna lose a lot of blood, and with our medicine situation, he'll endure a lot of pain."

"We've lost so many of us. I don't think I can dig another grave," Violet heavily uttered.

"Let's hope we won't have to," Clementine replied.


The three girls, an infected Willy, and an anxious dog turned up at the school. Willy was clutching to where the bite was located. Louis, Aasim and Omar all came sprinting up to the gate, feeling the dejected mood amongst the group. Aasim happily hugged Ruby, happy she had returned home safely.

"Thank god you're okay," he stated. He averted his attention to the more serious matter. "Oh shit! Is he.." he started.

"Yes, the poor boy's bit. We need to get
him inside so we can chop the arm off before he becomes one of them," Ruby informed.

Everyone awkwardly and sorrowfully stared at Willy. He was desolate and dreary. Clementine walked up to him and laid her hand on his shoulder, expressing her sympathy. "Willy, I know this is scary, but you're brave. You can do this. If Mitch were here, he'd tell you how courageous and strong you are," she remarked, trying to cheer him up, given the circumstance.

He sniffled and gradually started walking toward the school. Violet gave Ruby a nod of confirmation, and they followed everyone inside the school. The kids gathered all the medicine they had for Willy, which wasn't a ton - about a dose of morphine, some bandages, and less than half a bottle of peroxide.

They cleared Marlon's old desk of items and laid Willy down on it, which took a lot of convincing. "Here, why don't you use my cleaver to, you know," Violet offered, her voice mournful. Ruby nodded and took it, dreading the moment she'd have to cut.

"Louis and I will hold him down," Aasim informed, placing his hands on the boy's legs. The sight of the cleaver made Willy feel weak-hearted.

"No, no, don't! Please, I don't want to do this!" Willy begged one last time. He was squirming, which made it difficult for Louis and Aasim to keep him detained.

"Willy, come to your senses. You know this is the only way you'll make it," Aasim said, trying to persuade him.

"No way! It's gonna hurt like hell!"

"Well, theoretically speaking, you'll most likely pass out from the pain," Louis half-jokingly claimed.

Violet smacked him with in the shoulder with the back of her hand. "Really, Lou?"

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