15 ~ In Too Deep

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"Hey, uh, guys," Minnie greeted, her voice despondent. The kids just glared back, reminded of the betrayal she bestowed upon them. Violet was tightly gripping Clementine's hand, an irate rage brewing inside her. "I want to talk to you guys, about everything," Minnie gloomily added.

"Oh I'm sure you fucking do," Louis replied, aggravated.

"You think talking will excuse what you did to us, your family!" Ruby shouted.

"You're a fucking traitor. You don't deserve our forgiveness," Aasim yelled, joining in on the bashing.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness. Hell, I can't forgive myself. But I just want a chance to explain all of it. The Delta, my actions and behavior, Lilly. Please, just give me that," she groveled.

None of the kids spoke. Minnie turned to Violet and noticed her gripping Clem's hand. She quickly pierced her eyes on the brunette, then back to Violet. "Vi, can we-" Minnie started to plead.

"Don't fucking 'Vi' me," Violet immediately retorted. She released her grip from her girlfriend's hand and slowly stepped toward her ex. "Sophie is dead. Tenn is dead. They're gone because of you, and you don't even care!" She was just a few inches away from Minnie now, a foul air clouding the two. "You were willing to kill the people you loved for some asshole and her lab rats just so they could see your potential as a soldier? Well fuck, that." Minnie dipped her head down in defeat, though she couldn't say she didn't see it coming. "Go to hell, Minerva," Violet finished.

Abruptly, the girl standing next to Minnie unhooked her arms and jolted Violet's shoulder. "The hell did you just say to her?" she heatedly queried.

Clementine ran up to her girlfriend and grabbed ahold of her arm. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," the blonde responded. Her eyes scanned the body standing next to Minerva up and down, piercing her with an icy glare. "And who the hell are you?"

"I am none of your god damn business," the unknown girl asserted. Clementine closely held onto Violet before the girls started to clash.

"Jax, stop. It's okay," Minnie stated. By now the rest of the kids were by Vi's side, ready to attack if need be. They were all starting to draw attention from the other citizens, but no one dared to approach them. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Jax. Now please, can we just talk."

Minnie's eyes practically had tears in them. She wanted to salvage whatever rest of the relationship was left with the Ericson kids, which to them, was nothing. They pondered for a minute, but they knew if they wanted Javi's community as an ally, they couldn't have outbursts like this in front of everyone.

Clementine lightly shook her head and sighed. "Fine."

"What! We can't fucking trust her, Clem," Louis claimed.

"We need this group, and if we have problems inside their community I don't think they'll be so happy to give up their supplies for us. We don't have to like her. I mean who would after what she did. But we need things to stay neutral, okay?" Clementine explained. As much as Minerva was wanted dead, the kids understood.

They started to follow Minnie, but Clementine snatched Jax's arm impetuously. She threw her a deathly, intimidating stare. "Touch my girlfriend again, and I'll claw your fucking eyes out."

Jax seemed to get the message and backed down. The brunette glanced back at Violet, who was smiling from ear to ear. "And that is why I love you," Violet softly said as they began to walk again.

"Heh, can you believe the gall she has to hurt you in front of me? Clearly she doesn't know who Clementine is."

A genuine laugh escaped Violet's mouth. "Yeah, how preposterous. She wouldn't stand a chance against you."

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