12 ~ Take My Hand

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"Holy shit, Clem." Violet was mesmerized by it all. The hanging stars, the purple lights, the soothing music. Words couldn't come fast enough to her mind. No one had ever done something so special for her. No one had ever done really anything for her, so this made Violet tread on air.

She turned around to look at her girlfriend, who was leaning against the door frame and smiling, arms crossed. "Why? Why would you do this for me?" the blonde gratefully asked.

Clementine slowly sauntered toward her and took her hands, clasping them gently. "Remember that night after the party, you said you wanted to dance." Violet started to smile. She already knew where her girlfriend was going with it. "Now we can finally have that dance. Plus, I love you, and I really wanted to do something special for you."

Violet couldn't take her eyes away from Clem's. She fell into her shoulders and wrapped her arms around her. "I don't deserve a girlfriend like you, Clementine," Violet gratefully uttered.

"I could say the same."

The girls embraced in each other's arms for a while, but they still had a dance that awaited them. "Actually, there's more," Clem informed.

"There's more? You're kidding, right?"

"Heh, nope. Over there, on the desk."

Violet softly laughed and walked over to the table. Laying on top of the old, wooden desk was a note. Before she even read it, she turned around and hugged Clementine again. Tears were brimming her eyes, and her breaths were becoming a little choppy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Clem worriedly asked.

"It's just- no one's ever cared about me like you do. I'm not exactly used to people doing affectionate things for me."

"I'm obviously not doing a good enough job then." Clementine leaned in and planted her lips on Vi's, savoring the taste as they deepened it. The tears that once filled Violet's eyes faded, leaving nothing but love. The brunette gradually pulled away with a smile on her face. "Vi, everyone here cares about you. We're family."

Violet digested the words and sighed contently.
"Thank you, Clem."

A silence spawned between the girls, but it was a peaceful silence that they both appreciated. "Alright, how about you read the note so we can dance," Clem yearningly suggested.

"I'd like that."


When I first arrived at Ericson, I didn't know what to expect. I thought it would just be another group that would break down and eventually get torn apart. That's how it usually goes for me, anyway. But this time, it didn't. Someone once told me, "It's a tough world out there without people you can trust." I don't have to worry about that anymore. Here is where I found my home, my family, and most importantly, it's where I found you. I never thought I would get to feel this way about someone in this world, but by some miracle I met you. Violet, you're the reason I wake up every morning and continue to fight back. You're the reason I feel safe, loved, and happy. I haven't felt those feelings in a long time. That night we spent stargazing - it was the first time I didn't have to worry about what lurked outside. I was lost in the sea of stars, the full moon, and I was lost in your beautiful green eyes. All I want is to sit up there with you, in your arms, forever. I'd give anything for that.

I've lost so many people I cared about along the way. I better not lose you, too.

I love you,
Clem 💜

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