16 ~ "Friend" from the Past

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Abruptly, the door bursted open with Kate standing in the doorframe. There was no need for her to speak; her face expression said it all.


"Did he make it?" Clementine asked with concern.

"Please tell me the boy's alright!" Ruby desperately screamed.

"Just... just come with me," Kate gloomily beckoned, her voice almost faint. The kids didn't hesitate to rush to Willy's aid.

"Kate, tell me, is he, gone?" Clementine demanded to know as she raced with the taller woman and the others.

"He's in very rough shape, Clem. I don't think.." she trailed off. They reached the room that led to Willy's fate.

Inside was Willy sitting straight up, enjoying a cup of pudding and smiling. "Hey, guys!" he beamingly spoke. "You gotta try the pudding here; it's delicious! Little bit of a hassle for me, but definitely worth it!"

The kids were simultaneously perplexed as they were elated. They turned to Kate, who was leaning against a wall and displaying a sly smile.

"Heh, is this what you refer to as "rough shape" around here?" Clem joked.

"Gotta find some way to have fun around here."

Ruby let go of Aasim and freely opened her arms to Willy. "Glad you're back with us, kid," she remarked.

"Yeah, I've missed that toothy smile of yours," Louis added.

"I've missed you guys like hell. How long was I out?" he questioned.

"About four days. How are you feeling?" Violet replied as she gathered around the bed.

"Could be worse. I could be dead, but thanks to you guys, I'm still alive and thriving."

The kids were happy for his well-being. It was a relief that they wouldn't have to add another lost soul to the graveyard. "I gave him some painkillers to alleviate the pain. Hope they're starting to kick in," Kate announced.

"We can't thank you enough, Kate," Clementine said with a smile. Violet came up and set her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. Kate smiled at the two girls, happy to see them in love with each other at this day in age.

"Yeah, thank you again. And if you're ever looking for more entertainment, Louis, that tall, kind of annoying one over there can sure as hell find a way to make you laugh," Violet informed, nodding in his direction.

"I heard that," Louis returned.

"Wasn't trying to hide it."

"I'll keep that in mind," Kate joked.

The kids rejoiced in Willy's good outcome. Despite losing his arm from a walker, he seemed to be happy and delighted that his family was back with him.

"Hey, Vi, can I talk to you alone?" Clem questioned in a tone that obviously showed something bothering her.

"Always," the blonde replied, a small smile stretching across her face. Clementine led her out near the gate, where no one was in close proximity. Ironically, the guards were gone too.

Violet positioned herself to her usual stance - arms crossed. Clementine laid her eyes on Violet's light green glistening eyes, grabbing one of her girlfriend's hands and fiddling with her fingers. "Now that we're away from the others, how do you actually feel now that Minnie's back?"

Violet was shocked at the brunette's question. "I'm sorry if my response wasn't good enough for you back there," she scoffed.

"What? No, I didn't mean it like that. I just want to make sure you're okay. It can't be exactly easy with her here."

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