14 ~ Hope

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Three days had gone by. Willy's condition hadn't changed.

Clementine wandered around the school, talking to each of the kids. Most of them had their hands full with building reinforcements for the school. Noticing Aasim being the only one to be doing his own thing, she approached him. He was busy journaling in his, well, journal. "Hey," she uttered.

"Hey, Clem."

"What are you writing?"

"Honestly, I've just been jotting down all the shit that's happened."

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Eh, uh, sure. Make it quick if you don't mind; You know my privacy deal." She nodded and grabbed the book.


Week 262: Defeated the Raiders. Hopefully we can settle down for now.

Week 263: Not much has occurred. Supplies are scarce, should start to scavenge.
Began construction on Texas Two.

Week 264: Lost the lives of Tenn and AJ. They're safe now. Rest easy.

Week 265: Threw celebration for our triumph against the Raiders.

Week 266: Met yet another former friend of Clem's. Haven't seen him myself. From what I've heard, he's alright and has a group. Possible trade ally.
Minnie's back again. Can't bode well for us.
Ran into trouble while searching for supplies. Barely made it out.

Week 267: Willy got bit. Had to chop off his arm. He's stable, but no sign if he'll turn or not.


"Not a whole lot of good written in this," Clementine remarked with a sigh while setting it back down.

"I'll say. You'd think we'd catch one fucking break after what went down with the Raiders," Aasim replied, seething over the issue.

"Let's just keep our heads high. Any news on Willy's condition?"

"Nothing yet. Ruby hasn't left his side. I think she believes the whole thing is her fault. I've told her over and over that she did everything she could, but she's being adamant about the whole thing."

"I'll go check on her."



On her way up to Marlon's old office, Clementine passed Rosie, who was sitting near the piano room. "Heh, hey girl," she spoke while scratching behind Rosie's ear. "You might have saved Willy's life. Without you, he most likely would have turned out there. So trust me, if we manage to come across any treats, I'll be sure to send them your way."

The brunette knocked on the door that led to Willy. "Mind if I come in?"

"Yeah, sure," Ruby responded.

She turned the knob and walked in, hoping to see the boy up and about. Unfortunately, Willy was still unconscious on the table. His breathing was very faint, but he was still breathing, which was the only thing that mattered right now. Ruby had her head in her hands, causing Clementine to sadden. "Hey, Ruby. Are you okay?"

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