25 ~ Bullets

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Clem, Violet, and the rest the kids arrived at The Den. From the outside, it still looked like everything was functioning just fine. It was the inside that carried the yells and screams. Jesus finished speaking his words to one of the civilians and looked toward Clementine and her group. He quickly ran to open the gate for them. "Thanks for coming, guys."

The kids had to stay at a moderate pace just to keep up with Jesus, who clearly wanted the whole debacle to end.

"Now I've heard both sides of the story, and Clem, I believe yours more than Minerva's, but this whole you and her head to head thing is really causing problems," Jesus informed.

"I'm so sorry for this all of this. I promise I'll try to sort things out with her," she assured.

The group reached Javi and his family bickering with another family. Gabe rolled his eyes and turned to see the girl in the baseball cap, a coyly smile hooking his mouth. "Clem! Thank god you're here. Everyone is arguing over this shit with you and Minerva. I don't get why they can't see that you're clearly the one to trust," Gabe gleefully affirmed.

Violet rolled her eyes, finding Gabe's attempts to flatter her girlfriend annoying and redundant. The brunette forced a smile at the boy; he wasn't off the hook for having that outburst at Violet.

"It means a lot that you came, Clem. You and your group," Javier informed.

"You're a close friend, Javi. Plus we owe you guys," Clementine replied. Javi nodded and turned back to the furious civilians.

"Great, if it isn't the girl who ruined our lives," one of the men said.

"Excuse me?" Clementine responded.

"You better fucking watch what you say," Vi retorted, standing right by Clem's side.

"Please, just calm down. You want whatever the hell this is to be resolved, then you have to stop adding gasoline to the fire," Javi added.

"No surprise you would take her side," Gale, one of the guards, threw back. "You barely just reunited with her, and you're trusting her more than your own people?"

"I'm trusting her because I know she's right. And Clem and her group are my people. She isn't a threat, so whatever shit you're speculating needs to stop."

Clementine and Violet observed the scene around them: perpetual and futile arguing. All because of Minerva. Is anyone really surprised?

Speaking of the devil, Minnie joined in on the action, a scowl plastering her face. Clem and Vi loathed her presence. Violet immediately started to make her way towards the redhead, but Clementine clasped her arm. "She's not worth it, Vi."

The blonde looked at Clem, back to Minnie, who now led on a cunning grin, and back to her girl. She deeply sighed. "You're right. She's not."

With all the commotion happening, Kate finally broke her silence. "Will you guys stop being so god damn adamant and open your eyes? Minerva is the bitch who lied and is the cause of all this!" She pierced an icy glare at the redhead.

"You're wrong, Kate. Clem's group is dangerous. They're a threat to everyone here!" Minnie yelled. A few voices chimed in with the rambunctious yelling.

"She's lying to all of you!" Clementine shouted back, trying to persuade the people. The commotion was really starting to pick up now. Louis, Ruby, Willy, Aasim, and Omar were arguing back and forth with a group a little older than them. "If you believe her, you're fucking crazy!" Clem asserted.

"Yeah! Listen to Clem!" Gabe added.

"Everyone please, just calm down. This yelling isn't getting us anywhere," Javier remarked.

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