18 ~ I Guess Love Doesn't Last Forever

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Clementine stormed off to leave the school. She planned to return, but she just needed to be away for a while. Before she could open the gate, Louis came up and stopped her. "Hey, Clem, wait up," he shouted. The brunette impatiently rolled her eyes and sighed. "Where are you off to?"

"I'm.. leaving." Louis raised his eyebrows in shock. "Leaving?"

"I- it won't be permanent. I just need time away from things.. people."

Louis knew what it was all about. "And by people, you mean Violet?" Clementine didn't respond, but she didn't have to for Louis to understand. "Listen, Clem, I don't know what happened between you two, but I've never seen Violet happier since you guys got together. I know she loves you, and I know you love her. You guys have practically been inseparable."

The brunette was silent awhile, debating whether or not to tell Louis what she thought she knew. "Violet kissed Minnie," Clementine confessed in a dispirited manner.

"R-really? That, doesn't sound like her."

"Yeah, well, I thought so, too." An awkward vibe formed between the two, Clem taking that as her cue to leave. "Tell the others I'm sorry, and that I'll be back. I don't know when, but I won't abandon my family."

"Okay, Clem. Remember, just- listen to your hat. Don't Die." Clem gave Lou a courtesy chuckle and left.


Louis gathered everyone together in the courtyard to share the absence of Clementine. He didn't quite know how to break it. Violet had her arms crossed, her eyes empty. She was a completely different person now without Clementine it seemed. "Can you make this quick, Lou? I don't.. feel like being around others right now."

"Wait, where's Clem?" Willy questioned as he noted all of the other kids there besides the girl.

"That's actually what I wanted to tell you guys." He glanced toward Violet, whose attention he now had fully. An even more worried look painted her face. "Something happened, and she left."

Violet immediately felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. "What do you mean she left?" the blonde questioned in a demanding yet sad tone.

"I don't know. She told me she needed to leave us for some time."

"And you just let her?" Violet asserted, standing taller.

"What else was I supposed to do? Pin her to the ground and say, "no Clementine, you don't get to leave us," Lou somewhat joked.

Violet scoffed and stormed back inside to her room, her feelings all over the place. Everyone felt depressed after what had happened between their two friends. They didn't know what to say to Violet.

"Is she.. really gone?" Ruby asked, panic laced in her voice. Louis nodded his head dolefully.

"Well this is fucking great. Don't get me wrong, Clem and Vi are family, but the last thing we need right now is to turn against each other," Aasim boldly uttered.

"We'll figure out how to deal with it. It sucks that Clem's gone, but for now let's just give Violet some space and find something to work on," Louis claimed, having to step up to the plate now for the group.


"Clem, I think I'm in love with.. no, I am in love with you."

The words replayed over and over in Clementine's mind as she trudged through the woods, anger still brewing inside her. She tried to push the image of Minnie and Violet kissing out of her mind, but it kept creeping its way back to haunt her.

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