23 ~ You're All I Need

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Violet and Clementine walked along the path that led into Texas Two, leaving puddles every step along the way. They were still pretty soaked, but the wind helped dry them off a little. Louis was the first one to notice their appearances.

"Let's see, you're back empty handed, and you're completely drenched. I have a hunch you didn't get to hunting."

"We may have gotten a little sidetracked," Clementine claimed while glancing at Vi.

"We can actually go hunting first thing tomorrow morning. On the bright side, we found a source of water we can use," Violet added.

"Hey, guys," Aasim welcomed as he crept up on the trio. "Uh, should I even ask?"

"Our two lovely ladies didn't get to hunting because they were busy... well I can only presume-"

"Louis!" Vi and Clem yelled simultaneously.

He winked and laughed at them. "Come on, let's get you two inside and warmed up. I'll start a fire."


"Seriously?" Clementine questioned Aasim as she stared into the logs that were ablaze. She was tightly wrapped in Violet's arms, her head resting against her chest.

"True shit. Anything that was flammable, you bet your ass I burned it down," Aasim replied proudly. "Yeah, parents weren't too happy with my 'hobby'. Pro tip-"

"You mean pyro tip," Louis interrupted with a wide grin.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I don't recommend burning your mom's entire makeup bag unless you want to be shipped off to some dumb school that doesn't give a shit about you."

"You were sent here for burning a makeup bag?" Ruby inquired.

"Among many other things, but that was the final straw."

"We all did dumb shit that got us sent here. Still, being abandoned by your own caretakers wasn't exactly a part of the package deal," Louis added.

There was a silent pause between the group, no one knowing what to say next. Before things became too awkward, Louis chimed in again. "In an alternate universe, I bet Clementine would have pulled some preposterous act of rebellion and would have been sent here, too."

Clementine laughed and playfully shook her head. "You have me all wrong, Lou. I was an angel. Did what I was told, achieved good grades, used polite manners."

"Sure, babe," Violet teased. She kissed the top of her girlfriend's head, breathing in her luscious scent. Heat rushed to Clementine's cheeks as she began to blush. She tightened her grip on Vi's arms.

"Speaking of which, if we did live in an alternate universe, where do you think we'd be at right now?" Ruby questioned.

"Aasim would be concocting ways to pop the question to our dear Ruby," Louis joked as he shuffled around in his seat.

"Dude, shut up."

The gang all laughed, although Clementine did glance up at her girlfriend for a few seconds from Louis' supposed joke. Violet immediately started to turn red, her heart beating faster. She smiled back at Clem in content.

"Actually, I would be living in a fancy apartment complex in New York as a high-profitable business man," Aasim corrected. He turned to Ruby and noticed her furrowed face. "Eventually I would pop the question."

"That's what I like to hear. Hm, I would definitely be living on a farm somewhere in Louisiana," Ruby informed while staring into the pit of fire.

"Why Louisiana?" Violet asked.

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