26 ~ If You Love Me, Fight For Me

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Violet put her life on pause as she watched the love of her life lie unconscious on the ground, bleeding profusely. Tears automatically began to swell her eyes. Her mind was numb, only focusing on Clementine and her fate. She had trouble breathing, her heart beating faster than ever before. She felt her body was about to shut down.

And if that wasn't enough, walkers began to pour through the gates.

Everybody who once screamed for Ruby and Omar now screamed for Clementine. "Clementine, no!" Gabe shrieked.

"God dammit, walkers made it through the gates," Jesus stated as he pulled out his machete. "Javi, help me clear 'em. Kate, go to Clementine."

"Jesus, I have to help Clem," Javi pleaded.

"Kate's got a handle on her. Come on, we have to get the gates secured before this place is completely run over." Javi sighed and nodded.

"What about me?" Gabe whined.

"Meet Kate at the infirmary."

"Seriously? That's it?"

"Gabe, do as you're told. There's nothing else you can do," Javi ordered. Gabe scoffed and dragged himself to the building.

Violet snapped back to reality and bolted over to her girlfriend's body. "Fuck, Clementine!" she frantically screamed as she hovered over her body. "No, no, no! Fuck!" she began to yell out of fear of losing her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and onto Clem's stomach. "Somebody fucking help me over here!"

Violet supported her girlfriend's head and body in her arms, her breathing becoming less and less stable. "Clementine, I'm right here, okay? Please, Clem..." she blubbered through tears.

By then Louis, Willy, Kate, and a broken Aasim reached the girls. Kate lowered herself to Vi and Clem's level. "Violet, we have to move Clementine to a safer spot. Walkers are becoming an issue, and I have to get a better look at what the bullet punctured."

"You can't move her! What if.. what if-" the blonde stumbled over her own words.

Kate placed both her hands on Violet's upper arms. "Violet, I will take care of Clem, but I need to move her now. I promise."

"You better not disappear on me, okay?"

"I promise."

Funny how those words never seem to be the case.

"God dammit, Clem, please. I can't lose you.." Violet continued to panic. She didn't care that walkers were getting through and could possibly hurt more people. She just wanted to sit with Clementine until she woke up. If she woke up.

"Oh, Fuck!" Louis shouted. "Wh-what can I do?!" Louis questioned, wanting to help in anyway possible.

"I need help picking her up," Kate informed.

"I'll do it," Aasim stated. It was the least he could do for now.

"Violet.." Kate softly spoke. Violet didn't move. She couldn't leave Clementine's side.

Louis placed his hand on Vi's shoulder. "Vi-"

"No! I'm not leaving her!"

The girl had to be cared for immediately, so Louis wrapped Violet in his arms so Kate and Aasim could carry her to safety. "No, get off of me!" Violet lashed out in fear and anger. She thrusted and tried to force her way through Lou, but it wasn't working. She watched as Clementine got carried away, tears still brimming her eyes.

The blonde reached her hand out and cried for Clem one last time before she was out of view. "Clementine..." she barely was able to force out.

"Kate has her, Vi. She's in good hands," Louis remarked, trying to comfort Violet.

Always ~ ViolentineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum