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It was getting darker and terror crawled its way to the villagers' hearts. Growls and horses were heard, he was coming for them, for their village; they knew the king and his soldiers were near .

He was called the alpha king for his ruthless nature, an elite lycan werewolf who took over the world.  Whenever he gets bored he would go out with his soldiers on a raid to conquer a new land.

As strong as he is claimed to be, the lycan was missing only one thing, a person, in his community called a mate.
A mate is someone who is destined to be with you through thin and thick, unlike humans, there's no getting away from one's partner; if you're stuck with a mate you're stuck for life and what happens doesn't matter.

As the unfair battle started with the villagers a scent tickled his nose, so sweet to be real, he got off his horse and walked towards it, until he saw something that made an earth-shaking growl emit from his chest.
A soldier was manhandling who he know identifies as his little mate, she fell due to the impact of the soldier's slap,
The soldier immediately went on his knees, he knew that he messed up otherwise there was no reason a lycan would growl for a human being being slapped.

The girl shook in terror before crawling her way to her grandfather to seek refuge behind his bigger frame, unfortunately, that didn't gain her safety from the most feared beast on the battlefield as he yanked her by her wrist towards his broad muscled chest, despite her struggles against his forceful hold all her efforts failed and only earned her more pain on her waist due to his iron like grip, the human lady couldn't help but unconsciously whimper as her body gave up on her.

"what's your name?" he asked sternly, his voice so deep she was sure she heard nothing more masculine in her entire years of existence. The Alpha King felt her shiver in response, nothing he had planned to do would be suitable for a human girl, he has been waiting for years to find his mate and here she is what he least expected her to be, a human fragile girl.
She looked up at him trying to lock eyes with his much taller physique, her head barely reaching his chest and she struggled to keep the gaze.

Her jaw dropped at how handsome he looked, she once again found herself comparing him to the people from her tribe and she confirmed it in her brain that she has never met anyone better looking than him.

"I asked you a question and I don't like repeating myself." He glared once he understood that this girl was not going to answer his question.

" Your majesty I beg you, leave my wren alone, she's still young, I beg you have mercy on us." Begged a desperate grandfather making Wren sob and getting her to acknowledge the fact that she was between the arms of a beast.

"So wren it is , cute name for a cute little thing like yourself." He smirked before addressing the begging man in front of him, "Old man you have two options, either I leave your village under your rule while having you already under my law and take this girl with me , OR I burn this village and kill each and every one of you and take the girl with me, the choice is yours," He informed before tightening his hold on his now squirming mate.

" N-No, please you do not have to do this, we did nothing wrong. Papi is always following the law. I beg you to leave our land alone" she begged, tears rolling down her now rosy cheeks due to all the mental and physical pressure she was going through. 

"Lovely, you have a voice!" He mocked,  smirk plastered on his handsome features.

"My grandchild will go nowhere with you as long as I'm alive." Declared the old man.

The alpha king signaled at one of his soldiers and within seconds a head went rolling down on the ground, blood was splashed everywhere around the now dead body.

Her grandfather fell to his knees in defeat while wren screamed in complete terror, she struggled to free herself and the second she understood it was not the body of her grandfather but that of her neighbour she thrashed to be let go, the King understood that she was about to throw up so he let go of her in order to provide her with some space.

Lycan King-Zanthus zayetzevWhere stories live. Discover now