Chapter 20: Freedom

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"Sammy, where are you?"

Your head was dark and unclear. Your eyes were heavy. Something seemed unfamiliar as you walked through an inky black tunnel.

You soon realized that this was a nightmare.

You decided to walk around, interpreting the whispers of the ink while you waited to wake up.

Eventually, you did.



"My head is killing me.." Sammy said beside you, in his usual grumpy state.
"Where are we?"

You felt rough concrete against your back. Sammy was no longer as cold as before, and certainly not as inky.

"I'm not sure..."
You feel him sit up beside you.
"Y/N... we're outside."
"Don't joke around, Sammy."
"Open your eyes."

You did, and noticed a foggy night sky you were all too familiar with.

The night sky of New York City.

"Sammy, we..."
"Did it."
You manage to sit up, turning to face Sammy. You realize that tears are rolling down his face.

He was no longer inky.

He sat, clearly cold as he was still shirtless. You wrap your tired arms around him and start to cry.

Familiar voices surround you for a moment. You begin to pick your friends out of the crowd.

Norman, Tom, Allison, Henry, Susie...


Sammy sat with you in his arms, grateful beyond belief that you were still alive. That you both were still alive.
You smiled as you cried. Maybe now you could spite Joey Drew.
Spite him just by living.

Everyone was in absolute shock. You didn't bother to dissect their conversations. All you cared about was Sammy's gentle breathing and relaxed heartbeat.
Exhaustion took over you in waves. Sleep came with it after a few minutes.

"I love you so much, Y/N."
Sammy spoke softly, his voice low with sleep deprivation.
Your sleepy self couldn't respond, and only mustered a small smile.

That smile, clearly, said "I Love You, Too".

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