Chapter 11: Onward

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After a week or so of Sammy rehabilitating you, the three of you were finally ready to continue your journey. It was a constant fight between Sammy and Henry over what to do about Boris, but they finally met in the middle. Henry wanted to go find him, but Sammy insisted Susie had already killed him. They decided to just continue to the exit, but if they ran into Susie or Boris, the plans would change into a rescue mission..

"If your ribs hurt too much, I can carry you.." Sammy helped you up off of the cot.
"Thank you.." You blush and smile up at him. Somehow, you had been the unlucky one to break your ribs. Everyone else got out more or less unscathed.
You felt confident you could walk, but after a few minutes Sammy could see you struggling. He picked you up without warning and carried you. Instead of protesting, you just accepted it and wrapped your arms around his neck. He seemed to be doing this effortlessly.. maybe the ink made him stronger?

Soon, you all arrived in the finance department. You had never seen or heard of this area at all.. Henry opened the vault door to reveal a lit up stage.. strange.
"Why.. is this here?" You ask Sammy.
"No idea.."
You bury your face back in his shoulder.
Henry led the group through to the next area, where he repaired the bridge and got ready to be carried across. Sammy held you close as the lift carried you to the other side..

"There you are, my little errand team.."

Sammy growled slightly. You hugged him tighter.
"Why are they still alive?" She yelled, referring to you.. "I thought the fall would have killed them!" She sounded angry.
"I'm alive in one piece, bitch!" You yelled to Susie, trying to make her angrier. Sammy chuckled quietly, thinking your taunting was cute..
"I couldn't say the same for poor Boris.. You'd better hurry, he's having a little bit of trouble~" Susie laughed before going silent. Sammy proceeded to carry you up the multiple flights of stairs to the peaceful lounge room.

"When do we go home?"

You twisted your head around to see an inky man on the balcony above. He didn't seem to notice any of you.. Henry walked forward and opened the door..

A room full of inky humanoids greeted you. Some of them whispered Sammy's name, others remained silent and staring. You wiggled a little bit to let Sammy know you wanted down. He let you go so you could speak to the ink creatures.
"We're going to get you out of here, okay?" You looked around at the dozens of faces with pitying eyes. Sammy placed a hand on your shoulder to signify they needed to move on.
The only way out looked to be a ventilation duct nearby. Henry went first before you Sammy followed. Going in last, you decided to look behind you..

The inky figures stood crowded around the vent, glowing eyes saying goodbye.

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