Chapter 16: A Dream

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Your dreams that night were especially eventful. Even in Sammy's arms, you felt very alone..

At least he hadn't changed that much.

His heart was still the same, but his body had been so corrupt everything just felt different. Sammy always had a slight unhappiness to him, even more than he had before. He clearly didn't want this outcome either.

You trusted that you could get his body back. There's always hope.

Before you fell asleep, you could feel Sammy gently rocking you side to side while humming some unknown tune. The love you felt in that moment made you fall asleep quickly.

After everything, Sammy Lawrence still loved you.

"Y/N, could you fetch those papers for me?" Sammy spoke sweetly.
"Of course-" You set off to find the papers he wanted.
Grabbing the ink stained stack, you brought it back to the desk of the tired composer.
"Thank you.." He took the papers.
"Are you okay?" You inched closer, examining his eyes. They were ringed with darkness. He must have gone days without sleep.
"Yes, yes.. I'm fine" He looks up at you, trying to muster a little smile to prove his point.
"When's the last time you slept?" You crossed your arms.
He goes silent.
"That's what I thought. If you dont start sleeping, I may have to force you-" You smirk.
"That sounds vaugley threatening.." Sammy chuckled.
"Good!" You laugh.
"Would you be a dear and help me with these papers?" Sammy asked.
"Of course-" You sit down, grabbing the first paper off of the stack.

Sammy began to hum that same tune. His steel blue eyes traced over the papers in such a way that enchanted you. The only thing you could think in that moment was the simple three word phrase-

"I love you."

"Y/N... You have to get up~"

Suddenly, you feel Sammy's soft lips kissing your forehead.
"You talk in your sleep, you know." Sammy chuckles.
"I-I do?" You stammer, face flushing bright red.
"Mhm. You said my name several times. What was your dream about?"
"It was.. It was just about us doing paperwork in the old days.."
"Sounds exciting." Sammy teases. You roll your eyes.

You hugged on to Sammy, not wanting to get up anytime soon. Feeling him pressed against you made the horrors of the world simply melt away.


Your brain began to trouble itself with the events of the last few days, causing you to cry.

"Y/N? What happened?" Sammy feels you shaking in his arms.
"I don't want to be here.. I want to go home.. With you-" You sob.
"Shh.. I promise we'll make it home. Have I ever broken a promise?" Sammy spoke gently.
You shake your head.
"Exactly. Don't fret, my love. We're going to be just fine.."

"You can trust me."

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