Chapter 19: The Machine

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"I hate this place."

Sammy walked in first, your hand firmly in his.
"I don't like it either.." You say, your voice echoing off of the tall walls.
"No wonder Joey went bankrupt." Henry says, looking around the unfamiliar room. "This is a machine?"
Sammy nods. "A massive one at that. No wonder he was able to pump ink through the whole studio."
You shudder, recalling all of the times Sammy or you got soaked in ink. Sammy was always left in a horrible mood every single time he or his sheet music got stained. You were always tasked with calming him dowm, considering you were the only person he would ever listen to.
Now he stood next to you, his eyes wandering the room to look for anything suspicious. He still had the same sharp jawline and angular face you remembered.

Only this time he was covered head to toe in ink.

"What now?" Henry asks, stopping hesitantly. You had been so lost in thought, you forgot the group was walking forward. A large door stood before you.
"Lever." Sammy says, stepping towards a large switch on the wall and pulling it. The door rattled and slid open.

"A throne?" You laugh a little bit, despite being unsettled. "Why the hell-"
"There's a tape." Henry says, looking at the tape player resting on the chair.
Then, he clicked play.
The voice of Joey Drew filled the room.
You growl, remembering your seething hatred for the man. Sammy tenses up. Henry exhaled heavily.
No one seemed to be very fond of Mister Drew.

"The end?" Henry says aloud.
You froze in fear.
"Stein, don't look now-" Sammy began to say, reaching to grab you.
Bendy, or whatever was left of him, was leaning over the chair. He looked at Henry with empty, hidden eyes.

The beast charged to the side, and just as quickly Sammy was sprinting with you close beside him.
"What do we do?"
You could hear the thundering of the beast moving around the fragile machine.
"I don't know, just stay beside me!" Sammy yelled back to you, his adrenaline racing like crazy.
Henry could be heard a few corridors down, running from the beast as well as he could.
"Sammy, there's a switch!" You yell, stopping him suddenly. You push down on the lever before Sammy grabs your hand again, running as fast as the both of you possibly could.
You were amazed at Sammy's quick reactions. You had never noticed it before, but he was running and responding to things within a second of it happening.

Soon, you all emerged into another room. Tubes of ink ran along the walls like pillars to some grand coliseum.
"Who's laughing now?"
That stupid phrase was written on the wall beside projections of Bendy cartoons you had become all too familiar with.
Henry entered the room, with the beast charging behind him. Sammy quickly pulled you out of the way before jumping himself.
"This is fucking insane.." Sammy was breathing heavily, talking to no one in particular.
The beast crashed into the pillars, shattering them one by one. Glass flew like rain and clattered around your feet.

Once the last tube shattered, you collapsed to your knees. Something about that caused your vision to go blurry and nearly cut out entirely.
"Now isn't the time, little sheep-"
Sammy's pleas caused you to stand up, exerting all of your energy in the process. He supported you as Henry ran towards the other door, you and Sammy close behind. The beast was nowhere in sight.

You all stood in the eerie throne room once more. Everything was quiet.

Henry had the film reel in his hands.

"Stein, are you-"

With that, Henry clicked the reel into place. The screen flicked to life.
"Sammy!" You shriek, noticing the beast lumbering into the room. Sammy immediately turns around, wrapping his arms around you defensively.
The beast didn't move. It simply turned its head up to the projector.

"The End."

Suddenly, the beast began to scream. Its body was deteriorating out of nowhere. Your group stayed silent as Bendy the Dancing Demon collapsed to the ground, a blinding light consuming him.

You soon realized your vision was dissappearing again.

You could only feel Sammy's arms around you as you blacked out, vision swimming in darkness.

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