Chapter Two: What is Joey doing?

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After a few more weeks of the usual, things began to change around the studio even more drastically.

First off, Susie completely dissapeared. Joey said she quit, but NO ONE would quit their job in a time like this. Some of us began to get suspicious.

Secondly, the people from Gent began to come more and more often. So much so that Wally had even befriended one of the workers, Thomas Connor. Joey once again made up an excuse that they were just here to fix the machine.

Third, The Machine. That damned machine. Sammy hated it with every ounce of his being.

On a cold day, everyone at the studio was tired and extremely grumpy. You tried your best to make them feel better, but with no avail. The machine was acting up that day, as Gent workers were rushing up and down the halls. When Sammy attempted to conduct another song, one of the pipes lurched loudly and burst. You squeak, as you didn't expect it. Instinctively, you begin to gather up the sheet music so it won't get covered in ink. Sammy sighs in relief as you gather every last piece and hide it under your coat. Despite this the instruments all got coated in the sludgy black ink. Sammy was visibly angry, as he breathed deeply and stayed completely silent.
"I'm going to talk to Joey. This is fucking ridiculous." his voice was sharp, and he stormed out of the room quickly. You began to jog to catch up with him.
"Sammy! Wait up! I'm NOT letting you talk to Joey alone!" you yell for him, confusing a few nearby Gent workers.
"A pipe exploded in the Music Department." you say to a nearby worker, before breaking into a sprint to catch up with Sammy.

Slamming open Joey's door, Sammy storms in.
"Mr. Lawrence, Mx. L/N! Have a seat!" He says happily, acting completely unphased.
"Listen, Drew, you can play Mr. Nice Guy as much as you want, but I'm here to discuss a serious matter." Sammy says coldly. You respond to this by placing your hand on his hand gently.
"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Lawrence?" Joey asks, once again unphased by his threats.
"Your damn machine keeps causing my department to be flooded out by ink." Sammy says simply.
"Well, we have Gent employees here for a reason, correct?" Joey smiles.
"Yes, but they can't do anything. The pressure on the machine is just too strong, pipes are, and will be breaking nonstop." Sammy attempts to reason with him. You stay silent.
"Why do you even need the ink?" Sammy asks, leaning back into his chair.
"For private projects, Mr. Lawrence." Joey's tone switched from happy to serious in a matter of seconds.
"Like what?" you ask, head down.
"Very big projects, Mx. L/N." Joey's tone lifted to be slightly happier. "Very big projects." he repeats.
"Well, fix the fucking pipes" Sammy huffs as he storms out. You awkwardly wave at Joey before following Sammy out.
Sammy grabs onto your hand, but not roughly. He was very gentle and was taking great care to make you feel loved. You blushed lightly at his gesture.

Reappearing in the Music Department, you both noticed that everyone had cleared out. Even the Gent workers. The pipe was no longer gushing ink, but the room was still a mess.
"Dear, could you go turn on Norman's projector for me?" Sammy asks.
"Sure" you reply, very confused. You dash up the stairs and turn it on before dashing back down to see Sammy with a violin in his arms. He plays a note and lifts up the bow as the projector clicks off. A light rumbling could be heard as the mysterious shutters lifted up. Sammy takes another look at you and leads you into his "Sanctuary".

It was small and cozy, with a large desk lined with sheet music and drawings of every kind. You sit on a chair, and he does the same. He looks at you for a few moments before speaking.
"I... wanted to talk to you about leaving this place. What if we just quit and went off somewhere?"
You looked at him, slightly taken by suprise.
"Sammy, we dont have the money for that and you know it. We arent going to find work anywhere else." you reply.
"Yes, I know." Sammy lowered his voice. "But I have a feeling that what Drew is doing here isn't good. I..." he stops, clasping his hands together and looking down. "I think he killed Susie."
"What?!" you whisper shout.
Sammy hushes you and continues.
"Susie talked to me about how Joey said she could 'bring Alice back.' Call me crazy, but I think that Joey might have done something... demonic?" he realizes how insane he sounds and stops.
"Elaborate, please." you say, interested.
"I'm saying that I think Joey might have sacrificed Susie to... something, and I think it involves this machine." Sammy whispers.
"Like... an ink cult?" you ask.
"Yes." Sammy sighs. "Exactly."
You stay silent for a while.
"It's probably best we leave. I'm sure SOME place will take us." you say optimistically.
"Hopefully." Sammy finishes, taking you into his arms. You two stay silent for a few minutes, quietly contemplating to yourselves.

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