Chapter 12: Carnival Games

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You were very excited to approach the amusement park storage.. This must have been the "big project" Joey had mentioned on that fateful day. Wally told you stories about this place, but you never went there yourself..
"You know, I always dreamed of going to Coney Island with you.." You said to Sammy, kissing his cheek.
"Really? You never told me.. Maybe we can do that when we get out of here-" He smiled.
"Please!" You hugged him.
"I promise we will, little lamb. For now, we can play games here~" He looked around at the games in storage, most of which were hooked up and working.
"Could we?"
You look at Henry, who still seemed determined to get Boris.. he nodded at you with a smile.
"You two go ahead, I'll let you know if I need any help getting power to these switches."
You thank him excitedly.

Sammy and you ran off to play some of the arcade games, frequently checking to see if Henry needed your help.. He never did.

"Sammy, look, theres an entire ride in here!"

Before you stood a large "octopus" type ride.. the carts hung from the ride's massive arms. It must have been collecting dust for a while..

"There's a tape recorder over here.." Sammy dusted off the name on the front of the tape.

'Bertrum Piedmont'

"We should get Henry.." You grab onto Sammy, scared.
"Whats wrong?" Henry must have heard you, because he walked into the room with an axe. You pointed to the audio recorder. Henry gingerly pressed play. A loud click echoed through the nearly empty room..

"...No! This is my park, my glory! You may think I've gone, but I'm still here!"

Suddenly, the dormant ride came to life. The small doors in the center clicked open to show a distorted version of a man's face.. Henry lept up, swinging the axe at the arms as they swung around the room. Sammy scooped you up and ran to a corner, crouching down. Since you didn't have a weapon, you two couldn't do anything but watch. Sammy began to reassure you everything was okay, preventing you from panicking.
"Is he going to be okay?" You ask Sammy frantically.
"Henry knows what he's doing.. it's going to be okay.." He kissed you gently, stopping both of you from talking..

Soon, you could hear the ride falling apart. Turning around, you saw Henry with his axe lowered, watching as the spinning ride came to a halt.

Henry drops his axe.. "Let's go through this haunted house, shall we?"
[A/N] I have a little bit of writers block, so sorry of this chapter isn't terrific! The item collecting parts of BATIM are hard to write haha

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