The problem

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"Well I got to his dorm knocked on the door, Oran opened it we had a quick conversation. He asked me out and I left." Yang replys. " HE ASKED YOU OUT!" Ruby says cheerfully. "Yes but I said no." Yang replys. "WHAT! Why did you say no?" Ruby asks. "I wanna see if he was serious, if he asks me again I will say yes." Yang responds.

Just then the door opens and Oran walks into the waiting room. "Oran what are you doing here?" Yang asks. "Well it's lunchtime and I heard that you where here so I came to see you." Oran replys. Ruby stands up, "Well your in great hands with Oran. I'm going to go grab us some lunch and I will be back" Ruby states as she heads to the door.

"So Yang.... about my question earlier today." Oran starts off. "The request is still available." Oran adds on. Yang looks up at him. "I'm sorry about how I acted before, I was surprised and scared at the same time." Yang tells him. "Well you still never gave me an answer." Oran reminds Yang. Yang looks into Oran's bright orange eyes.

"Yes. Yes I will go on a date with you." Yang replys. The two of them just sit there for a second. Just then the doctor walks out from the back. "Yang xaiolong we are ready for you" the doctor calls out. Yang gets up and walks into the back with him. After a few minutes of her in the back Ruby walks into the waiting room. She looks over to where they where sitting before. "Is she in the back?" Ruby asked Oran.

"Yea she has been back there for a few minutes." Oran responds. Ruby starts walking over to the chairs. "You should probably go and get ready for your next class." Ruby tells Oran. "I guess your right." He remarks as he stands up. "Thank you for coming and helping out" says Ruby. "Your welcome I really care about her to." Oran mentions as he walks out of the room.

Ruby sits there eating lunch when all of a sudden Yang walks out of the back. "What did they say?" Ruby asks. "They said I'm in perfect condition, so they want to do some fighting tests to see how my body reacts." Yang explains. "So I need to find someone that will help me." Ruby jumps up, "I will" She replys. "I was thinking someone else." Yang tells Ruby. "My dear sister Yang are you telling me that you don't want me to fight you?" Ruby asks.

"No its not that, We both have seen each other fight alot before so it would be a stale mate." Yang explains. "What about Flair?" Ruby asks. "I could probably fight him, we have only fought together a few times." Yang tells Ruby. "Ok I will call him and he will be right over." Ruby tells Yang. "The doctor gave me these btw." Yang states as she holds out her hand.

Yang's hand opens and 3 pieces of paper are there. "What are they?" Ruby asks. "There doctor notes to get the 2 of us and 1 other person out of class to do this." Yang explains. "Hey Flair Yang and I need your help." Ruby says while on her phone. "Meet us at the sparing grounds, don't worry about class we have notes." Ruby adds on.

A few minutes later Flair shows up at the sparing arena. Ruby and Yang are already there waiting for him. "What's going on?" Flair asks the two girls. "Yang needs to fight again for tests." Ruby explains. "The doctor should be here any time now" Yang adds on. Just then the doctor walks around the corner. "Ok it looks like the three of you are ready to go." Says the doctor.

He walks over to Yang and hands her something. "Put three of these on your face, One on each arm, one on each leg, and the last one on your chest" the doctor tells Yang. With out any complaints she puts them on where the doctor tells her to. "Alright let's do this." Says Yang. The four of them walk into the arena. "Just act like this is a real fight, don't go easy on each other." The doctor tells Yang and Flair.

The two of them get into there fighting positions. "When ever your ready you can start." The doctor tells them. Yang nods and just like that the fight begins. Yang starts shooting at Flair as he dodges he flips midnight around and pulls out a handle that droped out of it. He turns to Yang and with a quick motion starts shooting back.

Ruby is in shock that his scythe is also a gun. The dust shots collide in mid air with small explosions. The two of them keep shooting till smoke fills up the room.

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