The question

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Yang walks back to her dorm room, as she turns the door nob and opens the door she sees a figure standing there. "Ruby is that you?" Yang asks as she flips the lights on. "Yea it's me." Ruby states. "Why are you back so soon?" Yang asks Ruby. "Well Weiss decided to show up at the sparing arena and she wanted to spar Flair, so I let them and I decided to come see you." Ruby explains.

Yang stands there for a moment rubbing her wrists. "You miss your gauntlets don't you?" Ruby asks her sister. "Of course I do. Those saved my life so many times." Yang replys. "So what happened in Oran's room?" Ruby asks Yang. "Nothing happened, I got there gave him my weapons and left." Yang responds.

"So you to didn't kiss hug or anything?" Ruby asks. "Has Flair kissed you yet?" Yang remarks. Ruby looks at the ground ".... no" Ruby answers back in a sad tone. "Well I have the same answer." Yang tells Ruby. "Well at least Oran might kiss you, I've been trying to get Flair to for months now." Ruby tells her sister.

"He will Ruby. But your only 16 kissing boys should not be on your mind." Yang tells Ruby. "Your only 18 why do you get to have all the fun?" Ruby asks Yang. "Because I'm 18 I'm an adult." Yang explains. "How old where you when you had your first kiss?" Ruby asks Yang. "Well Umm... I was well.... 14." Yang tells Ruby as she pulls her hair over her shoulder and rubs it.

"I'm 16 and still have not had a first kiss." Ruby explains to Yang. Just then the door slowly opens up and Blake is standing there holding a bunch of books. The two girls look over at Blake. "Welcome back!" Yang states to Blake. "How was studying?" Ruby asks. "It was good, I found some more things aboit the White Fang." Blake responds.

"Like what?" Yang asks. "Well the new leader has been arrested and might be killed because of his actions." Blake tells them. "Wow so the White Fang might be shut down." Yang replys. "Yes but we still don't know if Flair or Torchwik will still be doing there thing still." Blake states.

Just then Flair and Weiss walk through the door. "Hey guys" says Flair. "Welcome back." Ruby responds. "How was sparing?" Yang questions them. "it was good, Flair is a great fighter and knows how too avoid my dust." Weiss tells them. "So you too seem to be getting friendly with each other." Blake tells them.

"We are just friends and only friends." Weiss responds. "But let's go to bed we have fighting practice in the morning." Weiss states as she heads towards her bed. The next morning Yang is the first one up. She gets dressed in her school uniform and is out the door before anyone else is awake. Yang finds herself standing outside Oran's door. And with a 'knock knock knock' Yang taps on the door.

She waits there for a few seconds before the door opens. "Hey Yang." Says Oran sticking his head out the door. "Hey Oran how's it going?" Yang responds. "Great, your weapons are finished and ready for testing." Oran tells Yang as he passes her the newly fixed gauntlets.

"I have fighting practice for my first class. So I can test them there." Yang explains too Oran. "is there anything I can do to repay you for this?" Yang asks Oran. "Well there is one thing you can do." Oran tells Yang. "You can say yes to going on a date with me." Oran adds on.

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