The champion and teams

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As Flair gets too the stage Voltanis is already there waiting for him. "This will be a very interesting fight" Volt states too Flair. "May the best man win" Flair says while sticking out his hand.

Volt reaches out and shakes his hand. "This will be the championship round." The announcer states. "Go!" Is heard around the room. Volt pulls out his axes puts them together and starts shooting at Flair. Flair with his amazing speed dodges all the shots. He flips out midnight and runs towards Volt. And strikes. Voltanis was able too deflect the attack from Flair.

The battle was getting no where until flair used his clone semblance and had them all run around on stage. Volt had no idea what one was the real one. Just then Volt gets hit and flys across the room. "That's it we have our winner." The announcer proclaims. Professor Ozpin and Glynda goodwitch walk onto stage. As Flair is helping pick up Volt.

"The winner of this challenge is Flair Burns" Ozpin says. The crowd cheers and Ruby stands up and is one of the loudest. "May we have all of the first year students that competed come up on stage." Glynda announces. In a few minutes the stage is full of first year students. "These are all the Ones that fought in this tournament. Just so they could be placed on a good team." Ozpin proclaims.

"But it's not up too them who's team they go on. It's up too the second year teams and there leaders. We will give you all 10 minutes too figure out who you want" Ozpin adds in. After the 10 minutes are up all of the leaders walk up into a line that Ozpin put them in too. Of course JNPR was first but then it was team RWBY. After a few people it was Cardens team.

"Jhon Arc who would you like as the 5th member of your team?" Ozpin asks "We would like...." jhon hesitates. Just then Ruby gets a very sad look on her face knowing she won't get the person she wanted. "We will pick Voltanis Silva" Jhon chimed out. Ruby's head snapped up as she heard what he said.

Voltanis walks off the stage and goes and stands with his new team. "Ruby Rose who do you pick?" Ozpin asks. "Team RWBY picks Flair Burns" Ruby said with a big smile across her face.

Flair walks off the stage and meets up with team RWBY. After a few people its Carden Winchester's turn. "I pick the biggest guy there. Oran Berchanko" Oran turns and walks down the steps. Too meet his new team. After the remaining people picked there all dismissed so the first years could Unpack and get settled in.

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