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"Hey Oran," says Yang walking up to Oran. Oran looks up from his lunch. "Hey Yang," Oran replys. "Flair told me that you two talked, and that you might be able too help me." Yang questions him. "That is correct, what's wrong with your gauntlets?" Oran replys.

"Well they kinda got smashed on our last mission." Yang explains. "Bring them over to my room tonight and I can see what I can do about fixing them." Oran tells Yang. "I will definitely do that." Yang replys as she winks at Oran.

Yang turns around and walks back to her friends, "What did he say?" Weiss asks. Yang sits there and spins her hair around with her fingers.  "Yang," Weiss asks. Ruby gives Yang a nudge. "Wha? What's going on?" Yang asks as she jumps a little. "What did he say?" Wiess repeats herself. "O, he told me to go too his room tonight with my gauntlets and he will try to fix them." Yang answers.

Yang brings her hand back up to her hair and plays with it again."My dear sister Yang are you not telling your team something?" Ruby asks Yang before she spaces out again. "What do you mean Ruby?" Yang responds.  "Do you maybe have a crush on Mr Berchanko over there?" Ruby asks Yang.

"Me have a crush on someone. No you should know this buy now, I'm not interested at this time." Yang tells them as she plays with her hair again. "I agree with Ruby, Yang is definitely head over heals for this boy." Weiss alerts everyone.

"So Yang is going too be the next one on team rwby to get in a relationship." Ruby states with a smile. Everyone looks back at Ruby with a confused look. Even Yang looks back at her. At the same time they look at Flair and back at Ruby.

"Ruby blushes and trying to hide her face. "Any ways, what class is next?" Flair asks trying to get everyone's attention off the subject. "Professor ports class," Weiss responds. "Well we should head out don't wanna be late." The team gets up and heads to there next class.

After there class the team decides that there going to go do there own things for the rest of the day. Ruby and Flair go to the sparing blocks,  Weiss walks off not knowing what she's going to do. Blake goes to the library and reads. And Yang heads back to there dorm room. "I can't wait till I see him again." Yang thinks to herself.

She opens the desk and scoops out her broken gauntlets. Then Yang turns and swoosh she is out the door. A few minutes later she finds herself standing right outside Oran's dorm room.  With a 'knock knock knock' Yang taps on the door. And a few seconds later the door slowly opened.

"Yang you came" a voice came from inside the room. Yang looks up at the tall guy in the doorway. "Yup" Yang replys making a popping sound. "And it looks like you brought everything I need. "Yang looks down and sees the broken gauntlets in her arms.

"Do you think you can really help me?" Yang asks "of course I can, this is not to bad." Oran replys reaching for the parts that's in Yang's arms. "Well thank you Oran, your much nicer then everyone on your team." Yang tells him. "And not to mention your team is kinda weak and lame." Yang adds on.

"Yea I know they are." Oran tells Yang as he invites her into his room. "Did you know last year Cardin was attacked by a big Ursa and the other three of them ran off screaming." Yang tells him as she remembers the day. "And our friend Jaun had to go and save him." Yang adds on.

"I had no idea about that story, you know they have never really told me a story about there first year here." Oran tells Yang. Oran places everything on his desk then looks back at Yang.

"I should have this fixed by the morning." Oran explains to Yang.  "That fast? I don't want you staying up all night to help me." Yang tells him. "I will make sure I go to bed at a good time tonight then." Oran states

"What time should I pick them up tomorrow?" Yang asks Oran. "How about tomorrow morning right before class?" Oran replys. "Sounds great!" Yang responds. "But I should probably head out and do some studying." Yang tells him as she heads for the door. "Thank you Oran your a great friend." Says Yang to Oran as she heads out the door.

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