The final round

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"And in one strike Flair Burns comes out victories again." The announcer states.

By now the crowd is clapping and cheering for Flair. "Next up is Voltanis Silva."

Voltanis gets up on stage and looks out into the crowd. But only a streek of pink catches his eyes. But then he snaps back too the battle and pulls out his weapons. The fight lasted longer than usual but Voltanis still came out the victor.

The announcer calls up two more people and that battle ends quickly. "Last up we have Oran Berchanko." The announcer proclaims. Oran walks up too the stage and looks out into the crowd. He scans the crowd until he sees someone with bright gold blond hair and velvet eyes looking back at him. "Start" the announcer shouts.

Oran lifts his foot and slams it down making a mini earthquake in the detection on his opponent. Then Oran charges him with no weapon out throws him into the air and smashes him into the stage. "That's it we have our finalists." The announcer proclaims.

"Don't go anywhere the last last too round are coming up in 10 minutes." Says the announcer. Ruby gets up and sneeks behind the stage. "Flair where are you?" Ruby whispers out. Trying not too get found. She pops her head into the back room and there's Flair with his scythe out. "Flair there you are" Ruby says with a sigh of relief. "Ruby your not suppose too be back her. I could get banned from the competition if they catch you." Flair states in a worried voice. "It's fine no one saw me come back here" she says.

"If need too warn you about Oran. He is huge keep your distance from him. Also try too stay off the ground if you can." She says estatacly

"Thank you Ruby, But I think I'm up against someone else." Flair said softly. "But if I am against Oran I will definitely take your advice. " Flair responded. "Now you should go before someone sees us" Flair says while looking Ruby in her eyes.

Ruby turns and runs out of the back. "Let's have Voltanis Silva and Oran Berchanko up on stage." The announcer proclaims. This is going too find out who goes into the champion round. Let's go" the announcers voice echos. Voltanis starts running towards Oran. But Oran is way too big for him. Oran just reaches out grabs volt by the arms and throws him across the room. Making him drop his weapons. Volt gets up and charges at Oran but it was still no chance.

Oran slams his foot on the ground making it impossible for Volt too move. Just then Oran ran jumped in the air. Right before Oran landed on Volt. Volt dove out if the way and grabbed his weapons. Oran tried too get up but Volt was already in the air getting ready too finish everything. Volt slammed his knee right onto Oran chest with a divesting blow. "That's it Voltanis is moving onto the champion round." The announcer proclaims. Everyone is cheering knowing he was the best too continue.

"let's have our final too come onto the stage" the announcer proclaims. "Same thing as last time. The winner moves on too fight Voltanis in the last match."

Flair is already standing there ready to go. His opponent looks kinda scare due too the fact that Flair has taken everyone out I one hit. "START!!" The announcer shouts.

Flair's opponent dosnt even move a muscle. Flair wips out his scythe and throws it into the air. It spins just like a helicopter blade does. Then Flair charges at his opponent and throws him into the air. Right then the syth slices into the opponent sending him plummeting into the ground. Flair reaches out and catches the scythe Just like that the battle is done.

"Well we will have the last battle tomorrow morning everyone have a good sleep" the announcer states and he turns and walks away. "Well it has been a very exiting day for team RWBY" Weiss states. "Let's all head back too our room and get some sleep. We have a hard choice for tomorrow. " Yang states. "You guys go again I forgot something in the library. " Ruby says as she turns and runs off.

Flair walks out of the back of the stage and too his suprise Ruby is standing there.

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