What's going too happen

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By now the four girls are huddled together. "What does she mean we are getting a new teammate?" Ruby requests. "I don't want a new teammate we are perfect just how we are" Weiss proclaims. "Maybe this is a good thing" Yang blurts out. "I agree with Yang we could always use the help" Blake remarks.

"For the next three days each team will have the chance too go watch the new first year students in there own mini turnnament" Glynda states. "After those three days you will choose who you want on your team." Glynda adds in. "But it's late all of you are dismissed back too your dorm rooms for the night" Glynda said softly.

Glynda and Ozpin turn and walk off the stage and dissappear into the crowd. Just then team JNPR comes over. Ruby looks us and sees them standing there. "Congrats you guys for winning" Ruby says excitedly. After a little bit of them talking Yang finally asked the question "what do you guys think they ment by we get too choose who we want?"

Jaun looks at Pyrrha then back at the four girls who are eagerly waiting for a response. Right before Pyrrha answers Blake asked where Nora went.

Everyone looked around trying too spot the pink haired girl. Just then they hear a tapping echoing throughout the room. Ren looks up and sees Nora examining the microphone. "NORA!" Ren yells out. Nora whips her head up and comments "coming Rehn" it echos through the room. Due too the microphone.

Ruby looks at the time. "Wow its getting late. I think it's time for team RWBY too head to bed." She orders. The four girls say bye too there close friends from team JNPR.

The next morning Yang was the first one too wake up. She did her morning routine. And when she all ready she headed towards the door. But right before she turned the door nob she heard a faint noise coming from the hall.

She gently put her ear too the door to make out what the sound was. After a few seconds she realized that is was two people talking. But it was too hard too hear through the door. So she slowly open the door just enough that the two mysterious people would not notice.

"You mean we get to pick who we want first because we won the ternament" a familiar guy voice said.

"Yes but you need too keep it a secret" a girlish voice said. Yang peeked through the Crack too see who it was. Standing right outside the door was Jhon. The leader of team JNPR. But she could not see who the girl was.

"Can I atleast tell my team the news?" Jhon asks. "Yes but no one else." The girl says before turning around and walking away. After a few seconds all you could hear was the clicking of the girls shoes walking down the hall.

Yang slowly closed the door trying not too make a sound.

She turns too her teammates that are still sound asleep in bed. Yang decides too stay a little bit longer before heading too breakfast too see if anyone wakes up.

Side note:

Please comment on what i should add too make my story better.

Thank you and hope you in joy.

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