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"Does anyone have any ideas?" Weiss asks. No one has an answer. "Come on Yang we need you" Ruby states trying too wake her sister up. But nothing Ruby does helps. "Let's just keep going and try too lose it in the forest." Flair suggests. "It's better than standing here being nevermore food." States Blake.

"But Ruby and I can't cary her anymore." Weiss tells the group. "Well I guess it's up too us Blake." Says Flair looking over at Blake. She two of them walk over to Yang pick her up and start walking. The four of them reach the edge of the forest. "Any idea what's out there?" Weiss asks the group.

"None in the slightest" Blake states. "Well there's only one way too find out so let's get out there." Says Flair as he walks out of the forest. To there amazement the time they where walking out team JNPR was walking in. "WE FOUND THEM!" They hear team JNPR yell out as they run over too the five of them.

"What happened to you guys?" Pyrrha asks in the nicest way. "We would of been done sooner but Yang disappeared and we needed too find her." Ruby tells her. "So what did end up happening? She looks to be in really bad condition." Jaun exclaims.

"We don't know, she was doing her patrol and then disappeared." Weiss tells them. They cary Yang to the ship and they all fly out of there. "Come on Yang please wake up." Ruby keeps repeating. "Just let her rest. She will wake up soon." Blake states pulling Ruby closer to her.

Just then all the power in the ship dies and red lights go on. "What's going on here?" Ruby asks jumping out of her seat. "This is the caption, A huge nevermore found us and is attacking the ship." The captain says over the intercom. "Prepare for a crash landing" he adds on.

The two teams in the back hold on for dear life. Blake uses her weapon as a seat belt so Yang dosnt fall over. Just then the ship starts too shake dramatically. From the back of the ship you hear a girls scream. Everyone in the back looks at Jaun. "I'm sorry but this is terrifying." Jaun states after he finishes screaming.

Just then they start floating too the roof of the ship. "Grab on too something!" Weiss yells out. " We are going down." Weiss adds on. Then when they think the worst is going to happen the ship levels itself out and power comes back on.

"Good news everyone I am recalling the crash landing statement. One of your teammates was able too hold the nevermore back long enough for us to get away." The captain announces. The two teams look around the ship "Jaun, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, myself, Yang, Blake, Volt, and Weiss." Says ruby trying too figure out who it was. "Wait, where's Flair?" Blake asks

Just then the door from the cockpit opens up and Flair walks out. "Where did you go?" Ruby asks jumping out of her seat." " I was doing what I thought needed to be done." Flair states. "But what did you do?" Volt asks Flair.

"I went and held the nevermore back long enough that we could get away." Flair replys. Looking around at the teams. "We will be landing very shortly" the captain tells everyone.

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