The objection

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"Because she is scum just like you are." The grunt states. Flair looks at the grunt in the eyes. "Your calling us scum because we are making the world a better place?" The grunt dosnt say anything.

"Yea that's what I thought." Flair says with a angry voice. "Now if I bring back the pretty girl will you tell her what you guys are doing here?" Flair asks the grunt. The grunt looks at Flair and nods. "Blake your up again" flair says throwing the grunt too the floor. As Blake picks up the grunt Flair walks over too Ruby who is just sitting there.

"Hey what you thinking about" Flair asks her. Ruby just keeps looking at the floor. Flair reaches over and lifts her chin up and looks her in the eyes.

"It's just I'm trying too figure out what you saw in your vision." Ruby says looking into Flair's eyes. "I will tell you later tonight when we get back too our room." Flair tells Ruby as he grabs her hand and helps her up.

"You sure that's all you know?" Blake says too the grunt. "Yes I swear that's everything." The grunt responds. "Weiss call the police too collect all of these guys" Blake says as she turns and walks too a box that's sitting in the room. "Well this is what we are here for." Blake says kicking the box.

The five of them grab there objection and cary it too the drop off spot. Just as Glynda arrives in the airship.

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