The new students.

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After a little bit of waiting the next person too wake up was little Ruby. Yang jumped up on the top bunk with her little sister trying too wake her up faster.

"Yang get off my bed." Ruby scolds. "Idk if this bed will be able too hold both of us." Ruby says while stretching. "Some of these ropes go no where and the bed could easily fall." Ruby says worried.

Yang jumps off her bed and spins around. Her gold blond hair spinning around with her. Ruby sits there in aw. "It's breakfast time let's go" Yang says cheerfully while grabbing Ruby's hand and yanking her off the bed.

"Ok Yang let me get ready and we will head down" Ruby says softly. As Ruby is getting ready Yang just sits there trying too figure out who Jhon was talking too. Then out of no where Yang jumps up "Ruby we need too go. If Nora beats us there, there won't be anymore syrup for our pancakes." Yang says worried. Ruby looks at Yang with fear in her eyes. "I will run there as fast as I can and try too save us some." She proclaims while putting on her shoes. And with a swoosh she was out the door. Leaving rose petals laying all around there room.

Yang runs after her as fast as she could. Of course Yang was not nearly as fast as Ruby. Due to the fact that Ruby's semblance is her speed. Yang reaches the cafeteria. To her suprise the only person in there was Ruby. With a stack of pancakes so tall Yang could not see Ruby behind it. The only reason why she new it was her was the fact that Ruby's cape was sticking out. They sat there and at for a bit waiting for the rest of there team too show up. Finally Weiss and Blake walked into the cafeteria. Yang stood up and waved them over.

"When do we see the new students?" Blake asked quietly. "I hope sometime soon" Ruby reply stuffing pancakes into her mouth.

Just then "Attention at second year students. The first ternament is about too start. Make your way too the theater for the first round." A voice is heard echoing through the academy.

"LET'S GO!" Ruby exclaims while slamming her hands on the table. The four girls get up and run to the theater. There one of the first people there "let's get close too the front so we can evaluate everyone that competes." Yang rings out.

They all take there seats and wait. Ruby starts kicking her legs because it's taking so long. The first few people start. After about an hour the girls all have notes about everyone that's competed so far.

"Next up is flair burns" the announcer proclaims.

Flair has red hair that resembles fire. He is taller then the average person. As soon as he got on stage and turned too the crowd everyone saw that he was a faunise. Kinda like Blake but instead of cat ears he had wolf ears.

They call up the other competitor. As the announcer says start Flair wips out a pure black scythe everything about it is black besides the blade. The blade was red as blood.

Ruby's eyes widened. She has never seen another scythe welder before. Besides her uncle crow. Flair did some flips and took out his opponent in one hit. Next up is Voltanis Silva. He had silver running through his hair. He was a little shorter that flair was but not by that much. When the match started he pulled out his two double headed bearded axes. He combined then to make a short double barrel shotgun.

Voltanis starts shooting rapidly. Making his opponent dodge the shots. His opponent gets in too close for Voltanis too react and he gets thrown across the stage. As his opponent gets close. Voltanis is having trouble getting up from the hit he just took. Voltanis closes his eyes and sits there for a moment.

When is opponent got really close Voltanis dosnt even move. When ever one thought it was over. When the final swing was coming in Voltanis blocked it. He still had his eyes closed. Just then Voltanis swept his opponents leg and whipped him into the air. Just then he jumped up and smashed his opponent into the ground ending the battle.

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