Chapter 5

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When it went beyond control.
My son, blossoms like petals.”

One early evening, Mwayiseni had quarreled with her elder sisters over cooking. Kuku and Yande called her lazy and she found it pointless to argue with them. So she decided to take a walk. Her mind was lost with sadness because she kept on feeling that quarrel was too pointless. She felt so foolish but that walk quenched off her anger. She then bumped into Paulina. Old Paulina was so old that one could count over forty wrinkles on her face.

"Old woman were are you coming from?" She asked, so plainly because she did not like her. Paulina laughed, and she looked like a hundred-year-old witch, as she said. "I enjoy moving at night, see you child." She tried to proceed walking with her little walking stick, then she remembered something. She called Mwayiseni back and then when she was so close enough, she whispered to her ears. "Why are you not having fun?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Mwayiseni, a bit confused. The chilly cold night felt like it was biting on her skin. Paulina laughed with no teeth in her mouth, as she frantically said. "Do you feel anything down there? Because your breast are just too erect. They need to be touched so that they slunt a bit, has a man ever fondled them?" She furthermore whispered, "I am off going to attend a meeting. Nobody is home, only my handsome son is there. He is as handsome as the stars at night. He blossoms like a petal, so do not wait make your move now. Moreover he got big nuts down there."

"But... Argh," stammered Mwayiseni, getting more confused and puzzled. "To kiss and taste a man is part of nature," laughed the old woman. She then walked away with her figure dissapearing down the path. She scratched her head. What was all this? She thought to herself. "He blossoms like a petal!" Were the words that pondered on her mind. She thought to herself that, what was the old woman trying to tell her? And then she found her legs walking to Paulina’s house.


When she arrived at the house, the moon had already risen half way. The little dark hut, looked like it had no life. She knocked at the door, and she could hear someone snore from inside. She felt stupid at why she had come this far. “It could be Paulina’s husband,” she whispered, to herself. She erased that thought immediately because Paulina’s husband was dead and gone.

A cold current raced within her, as she decided to just go back home. Then she heard someone, gravely say. “Do not go! Let me lit a candle.” The person, lit a candle that the room appeared to be so dull and gloomy. She then saw a large shadow move past the window. The man opened the window, and oh boy! He towered huge above her. He then asked her to come in for it was getting so cold outside.

She instantly got afraid at what she had seen. The man was huge, big and not attractive. His ears looked like a plane was about to land. His eyes looked all googled like they were going to fall any minute. Moreover, he had very large lips like bees had been biting him for all his life. “Come in!” He grumbled, at her, with a huff at the end. In her words the man looked like an ape.

He then pulled and dragged her inside the hut. Paulina must be mad! She thought to herself when he had firmly held her hands by force.

The man pushed her on the bed. She landed on the bed with her head knocking hard. “Stop it!” She screamed, in desperation. As the man grabbed her two legs and he reached for his trouser and unzipped it.  He then jumped on the bed, and the bed broke to pieces.

She grabbed a nearby pot of soup and hit his head with it. The man touched his head in pain, as she jumped out of the bed trying to escape. The man grabbed her again and was pulling her by the leg, as she fought tirelessly. “Leave me alone!” She screamed, as he tore her shirt. She was now about to just let loose and cry. Her hair was a total mess. His disgusting saliva was even falling on her. It had become too impossible for her to escape.

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