27 ~ I Won't Let Go If You're Still Here

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"She made it."

Those were the comforting words Violet and Louis desperately needed to hear. Violet stood still in shock, all her worry, fear, and panic dissipating in an instant. Tears began to rush to her, a smile hooking the edge of her mouth.

She turned around to Louis, who was reciprocating the same smile and feeling. "Well are you just going to stand here and rejoice about it or are you going to go see her?" the man joked.

Violet blocked out Lou's words. She blocked out everything that surrounded her. Clementine was the only person on her mind, and she had to go see her immediately.

The blonde began to walk toward the doors, but Kate grasped her arm. "Actually, I know how much you want to see her, but she really needs to rest. Her body's been through a lot."

Violet saddened at the thought of not being able to see her girlfriend right away, but she wanted Clem to rest and heal so she would be okay. "Okay, I'll wait," she responded, her voice incredibly quiet. After all the warfare and restless sitting and waiting, fatigue started to take control of her body, but she was determined to stay awake for Clementine.

Violet's body was facing the chairs, but she turned around and smiled at Kate. Violet had always been extremely bashful, but she felt an urge to hug Kate for saving her and Clem's lives. At first she was hesitant to initiate the hug, but she moved closer and wrapped her arms around her. "Thank you, Kate. Really, you.. you saved Clem's life, so thank you."

"Please, it was nothing," Kate teased.

"Violet here only ever lays a finger on Clem, so cherish that hug for as long as you can," Louis chimed in.

"Louis, shut it," Vi replied playfully.

The dreadlocked man approached the two other women. He gleefully smiled at Kate, assuring her he appreciated everything she did for Clementine.

"Now that Clem's out of the woods, I'm going to be honest with you - I had zero faith she would survive. I wasn't sure if I'd be capable of even performing her surgery. Her and I were both lucky the bullet went straight through. A little higher, and it would have ruptured her abdomen," Kate confessed.

"Well you pulled it off, so, I count that as a win," Louis stated.

"You did more than any of us could have ever done, Kate. Thank you, again," Violet uttered.

"Of course."

"I'm going to get the others," Louis informed.

The two girls nodded and continued with their chat until Louis brought back all of Clem's fans. Gabe was the first one to burst through the door, along with Javi, Jesus, and the rest of the kids. "She's alive!" Gabe joyfully shouted. He booked it, well at least tried to book it to Clementine's room before being stopped by Kate.

"She needs to rest, buddy. Let's give her some space for now."

"Ugh, fine," he groaned.

Willy and Aasim joined up with Vi and Lou. Willy was showcasing a toothy smile, and Aasim, as happy as he was for Clementine's recovery, he wasn't doing too well. "Hey, guys!" Willy beamed. "So Clem's doing alright?"

"Yeah, yeah she's fine. She'll make it," Violet stated, a small smile escaping her mouth.

"In honor of Kate's great triumph, I vote we get her a gift," Louis claimed.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but last time I checked walkers were still roaming the Earth," Violet informed with a small laugh.

"I'm sure we can find something. People had to have left some shit lying around somewhere."

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