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The first month of the tour has gone by so quickly.  Every night it was the same ole same ole. Tierney and I did our dance together,  it is becoming more difficult to deny our attraction. The dance seems to get hotter each time we do it. And every night when I sing The Way, I sing it directly to Tierney. She hides behind her camera so I can't see her face when I sing to her. I can tell I'm getting to her. I feel her desire for me every time we dance together. And I see it in her eyes every time I sing to her.

 I love that I'm getting to her. I know its dangerous, she made it clear she needs to keep her distance from me. She hasn't spoken to me about it, but I know that’s what her silence means. I need to get her alone, and soon. Find out what's running through that beautiful head of hers.

 I think up the perfect thing. I've come up with a fan contest on social media, winner gets a one on one meet and greet with me, I want the announcement of the winner documented with photos. And who else besides our tour photographer to take them for me? She'd have to ride with me on my bus to get the photos. It was the perfect plan.

I approach Tierney in the family room after the show. I explain the details of the contest to her and that I want it documented for our website, so I really need her to take the pictures. No one else in the room even bats an eye. It doesn't seem like an odd request of me. I tell Tierney I'll be revealing the winner the next day while we travel to the next city, on my bus. Tierney looks at me and asks “On your bus, how am I supposed to get pictures if you're on your bus"? “You’d ride on my bus for about an hour of the way to the next town”. I try not to laugh at the expression on her face.

Tierney doesn't know what to say, how can she say no, it was her job, tour photographer was why she was here. So she just says “Yeah okay, what time is the reveal"? I tell her it's at 1:00, so she can switch buses after we stop for lunch. She nods and snaps a few pictures before she heads off to her and JC’s bus. I think I might have really pissed her off. But I honestly just want to talk to her. I have no intention to let her break her promise to JC. I just need a little time with her. Its killing me not being able to even talk to her by myself.

The next day we stop for lunch, Tierney's hesitant about being alone with me. Maybe she thinks it's all a set up. She must really have no trust in me. I'm getting everything set up so she can get the photos I need her to get for me.  We finish with the contest photos, and sit down across from each other at my kitchen table.

I sit a beer in front of her. “Can we talk,” I ask.  Tierney smiles and says “Sure Jordan". I look at her and my voice sounds sad when I ask her “What happened? Why haven’t you spoken to me all tour? You left my house that day and haven’t said anything to me. Just a couple of  texts". “JC wants us to stay together until we talk to Jameson. He doesn’t want either of us to see anyone else until we have a family discussion. So I promised we’d wait to make a decision about me and him. Jameson will be here tomorrow.  I plan on talking to him the first night he’s here. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you any of this  sooner, but it’s not easy being around you.”

I reach out my hand for hers, she lets me take it. I pull her towards me over the top of the table. I meet her halfway and kiss her gently on the lips.  Tierney then whispers “What’s with that new song”? I say a matter of factly “I wrote it about you babe. You like it"?

Tierney looks scared the second I stand up and walk around the table towards her. I take her hands in mine and pull her up to me. I bring my mouth to hers and lightly kissed her. Then I pick up my phone, call my driver and say we are ready to stop, so Ms. Tierney can go back to her bus. Tierney looks a little confused by my statement.

“I don’t want you breaking anymore promises because of me. See your boy, have your family talk, let me know where I stand. I want my chance, but if its not in the cards, don’t cut me off again. Just always be my friend and talk to me Tier. And what's your last name"? She seems pleased with this coming from me.  "Thank you Jordan, I will. It's Mackenzie. Tierney Alanna Fraser Mackenzie" she says with a gorgeous smile. Her Scottish accent thickens when she says her full name. I love it!

As my bus starts to slow down, she hurries back over to me and wraps her arms around my neck, I give her a big hug. She kisses me lightly on the mouth and she gently runs her tongue along my lips until she finds an opening. She slides her tongue into my mouth, our tongues mingle together and both of our breathing picks up. I can feel the beginning of my erection growing against her pelvic bone. She breaks our embrace just as the bus stops.  As she steps off my bus, she turns and smiles at me. I have my hand on my junk and say “What the hell am I supposed to do with this”? Tierney just shrugs and laughs, then says, "You could call Kira"! Then she's gone. Her kiss still lingers on my lips. And I try to inhale the last of her scent before it's also gone.

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