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It's day one of tour rehearsals. I'm pretty excited about the new tour with NSYNC. Had a blast with them when we toured together in 99. JC, Lance, Joey and Chris are all great guys.

"Damn it's good to see you guys" I say as we all finally arrive at the studio.
"Hey Jordan, man how've you been" asks Chris. "Long time, no see old friend" yells Joey as he bear hugs me and lifts my ass off the ground. Lance just says hi and hugs me, since we just saw each other at our last show in Hollywood. JC comes over and shakes my hand and half hugs me saying "Wow man it's been forever, you haven't changed a bit. Do you even age"? I laugh and tell him "Hell yeah I age, might not look it, but I sure as hell feel it."

I look over at the doorway and the most beautiful red headed woman I've ever seen is standing there, taking pictures. I'm about to speak to her when JC says to her "Honey come here and meet the guys". Honey? Damn. She lowers her camera and walks to JC. He introduces her to everyone as his wife, Tierney. What a beautiful name. And I hear a slight Scottish accent. Shit it sounds sexy. When JC and she are standing in front of me, I can't keep the smile from my lips.

"Jordan, this is my wife Tierney. Tierney this is Jor...," but she cuts him off. "We've actually met before." Now I'm really staring at her. How can I not remember meeting this beautiful woman? Those penetrating green eyes, that beautiful red, curly hair, that gorgeous smile, and I'd never be able to forget those lips, those sexy fucking lips.

"I'm sure I'd remember meeting you" I say. Damn Jordan don't make it obvious how beautiful you think she is. I notice JC's eyes shift to me, so I try to recover. "The name Tierney and that Scottish accent are something I'd remember." And I give her my best smile.

She tells me she was a dancer in the music video for my the first single off my first solo album. She says we might not have actually met though. I hate that I can't remember. I remember that was such a fun video shoot. But I don't remember a gorgeous red head with green eyes. Then she reminds me it was 20 years ago. Fuck I'm getting old.

She also says I called her "jail bait" to all the male dancers in the shoot and told them to stay away from her. Geez what a prick I was. I do my best to apologize for it. She says no apology is necessary, technically she was "jail bait" at the time.

The way she's looking into my eyes right now feels like she's trying to look into my soul. It makes me want to remember the younger version of her. Did she look at me like this 20 years ago? Was her stare this intense then? I can't figure this woman out. But I want to and I'm going to.

As she walks away from me I can't help but watch her go. Who wouldn't watch that ass walk away from them. She walks over to JC, her husband, and puts her arm around him. As he pulls her close to him, I can't help but think I wish that was me. I don't realize I'm staring at them until she turns her head and looks right at me. She sees me staring. Shit. But I swear I see her smile as she turns back around. Now I really want to get to know her. That smile did something really bad, it gave me hope.

After our break for lunch I'm with the other guys and we're all watching my "Give it to You" video. We're trying to pick out Tierney. I can't, no matter how hard I try, figure out which girl she is. I can't even see any red headed girls in it. I honestly can't imagine how I could have forgotten this beauty, even if it's been 20 years.

Tierney and JC walk in and Donnie tells them what we're doing. JC walks over and points her out to us. She was blonde. And dancing right next to me. Now I remember her. She was the best dancer on that shoot. I remember how impressed I'd been. It had also been her first professional job.

I look over at her and told her "I remember you now. You were good, why'd you stop dancing?"
"Well I danced a lot after your video. My last job was backup dancer on NSYNC'S Pop Odyssey tour. Where I met JC. After the tour we were together and I just stopped" she said. She didn't seem to want to give anymore explanation than that and I wasn't going to ask for one, but then JC spoke up, "It was my fault. His name is Jameson. He's 18 and just went off to college". He pulled up a picture on his phone of Tierney and their son at his graduation. Good looking kid. Damn. Was this jealousy I was feeling?

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