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I couldn't wait to get to the studio today. I'm anxious to find out what Tierney decided. It's possible I won't like her answer.  She may not be at all interested in dancing. Especially with me.

After almost kissing her yesterday I'm probably out of my head to even suggest such a crazy idea. But its something I have to try.  It is a good idea to add the dance to the song. And I think she and I would look great dancing together. If she says no, I'll have to hire a dancer, and hope Tierney will help me teach her the routine. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. And I keep telling myself it's no big deal if she says no. Only I can't make myself believe that.

I pull up at the studio and I see JC has just arrived,  but Tierney's not with him. JC is waiting for me to walk in together. We say our good mornings to each other. And for some reason I bring up the question about the dance to him. He looks at me like he has no idea what I'm talking about. "Oh damn, I guess she hasn't had a chance to talk it over with you yet. Sorry man not trying to step on any toes. I had spoken to her last night and told her my idea of she and I dancing together on tour just to the one song"

JC covers his anger well. "Yeah, she didn't say anything to me last night. I'm sure she'll talk to me about it. She hasn't danced in a really long time. So she'll think it through herself and make her decision before she ever talks to me."

He says she will be here later, so I'll just have to wait I guess.

Tierney finally showed up and JC practically dragged her out of the room. They were yelling in the hallway. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I did hear my name. It got quiet in the hall so I was hoping everything was okay. I didn't think JC would hurt her. I thought I should go check on them. I was walking towards the door when they walked back in. He had his arm around her and they were both smiling.  I guess they figured it out.

Tierney looked at me and smiled as she walked over to me. My heart began to race. God she had a beautiful smile.  She was talking to me but I barely heard the words, I was concentrated on those lips of hers. I did hear enough to know she was going to do the dance with me. I couldn't have been happier to hear it.

Tierney and I sat down together that afternoon to make up a practice schedule. As we sat there I would find reasons to touch her. I'd brush a finger over her hand while sifting through papers. Or I ’d turn towards her and brush my knee against hers. She never even acted like she noticed. I was extremely disappointed that I was not having any effect on her. This never happened to me. I'd always had some effect on women.

“So you and JC, were you together when I was on tour with him"? I asked. “No I was only 16 then, that’s the same year we did the video right” she answered.  “Yes it was. You know I’ve watched that video over and over again trying to remember something about you from the shoot. I mean hell you were right next to me almost the entire video. How can I not remember you better"? I asked. She laughed “Jordan, you spoke to me once,  just very briefly.  You said “hey what’s your name beautiful?” and before I could even answer some woman pulled you aside and told you my age. I’m guessing 16 was way too young for you. You were 29 after all.”

I knew why I didn't talk to her after that one time though, my 29 year old self would never have crossed those lines with a 16 year old. Back then I actually had a 10 year rule, no girls more than 10 years younger than me.

“So how old were you when you and JC began dating? He’s quite a bit older than you too right"? Tierney smirked, “I was 17 when we started things, he was 25. But he honestly had no idea how old I was, he never asked, so I never told. 

When he found out I was 17, he stopped having sex with me, but we already had this connection to each other. We were still dancing together every night, it was torture.  So on my 18th birthday I begged for it again, and he gave in and gave it to me. That was also the night he gave me our beautiful baby boy, Joshua Jameson”.

“So when did you two get married"? I asked her. “Well we’ve never actually gotten legally married. JC proposed 10 years ago and I said yes, but we never took the time to finally do it. He’s my husband and I’m his wife, except on paper” she answered. I looked at her, but didn’t say anything. I was afraid my voice would crack and betray what I was thinking. She had been so open and honest with me. It made me feel good, I could tell she didn't go around telling people she and JC weren't really married. But she told me. Did that mean I was having an effect on her after all? Did she want me to know she wasn't married?

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