Chapter 1: Starting the Nightly Trials

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Aaron's POV
"Okay, Mom, we're heading out now!" I said as I waved to my Mom. She waved back.

We were heading to a party that our friend Lily invited us to. We were gonna go to the party, walk around the neighborhood for a bit, and eventually head back home. That was our plan for tonight.

"Bye, kids! Are you sure you're not gonna go trick or treating?" She asked.

"Yeah, Mom, we're sure. That's kid's stuff. Come on, Aaron. Let's go." My sister, Piper, said.

She opened the door. Piper has ash-brown hair and brown eyes. Despite sometimes wearing nail polish, she's still not very girly. She usually wears all black. As for right now, my sister was wearing a long sleeved black shirt, black pants, and magenta flats.

No, she's not emo, and I wouldn't say goth.

As for me, I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. My Mom has brown hair and my Dad has blonde hair. I normally wear all black too, but I also tend to wear lighter colors. Still dark, but lighter than black.

My Dad walked into the room with our trick-or-treat buckets. He handed them to us. I pushed them away and frowned.

"How many times do I gotta say it? We're not kids anymore. We're just gonna walk around the neighborhood for a bit after the party. That's all." I said.

His smile fading, my Dad lowered the buckets.

"Yeah. We can always see what everyone else is wearing." Piper said. Dad sighed.

"Yeah, I know. Well, go on. Go to the party." He said.

Piper pushed open the door as I waved to my parents.

"Bye!" Piper said as she waved to our parents. I exited the door and waved to my parents as well, turning around with a wave of my hand.

"See ya!" I said.

My parents waved back as I shut the door behind me. I started walking down the driveway with my sister. We turned down a corner to go to Lily's house. It wasn't that far away. It was up by a curb. About a five minute walk or less, I guess.

"Heads up. Neighborhood bullies." Piper whispered. They were standing a few feet in front of us with their backs turned towards us.

There's these bullies that walk around our neighborhood from time to time. These ones particularly like hanging around the neighborhood everyday in October, and especially Halloween.

You might've already guessed it, but they like stealing kid's candy.

As for older kids like me....they don't like seeing older kids like me and my sister walking around on Halloween night and not wearing any costumes. They often beat those kids up. Why? I assume it's because they're bullies that they get a kick outta doing stuff like that. I've never asked them, nor do I care to ask them.

"Avoid 'em. Let's go." I said. I continued to walk towards the bullies with my sister at my side. I wasn't gonna fight them, though. There's no need for pointless fights unless you were provoked.

My sister and I managed to get around them. As we walked away from them, a voice stopped us from walking any further.

"Hey!" It said.

I stopped walking and looked down. These idiots needed to learn when to leave someone alone.

But I guess bullies never really do learn, do they? Depending on the person, I guess.

"You guys aren't wearing any costumes. You don't think I'll let you get away with that, do you?" The lead bully, named Joshua, asked. I didn't answer.

"Hey, idiot. Answer me." Joshua said as he put an arm around my shoulder.

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